Half Dozen Game

Mike Bulgakov

4. Daniil Medvedev


Mike Bulgakov

5. Jared Leto

Famously weird actor owns secret Cold War military compound in California

The propaganda film studio in upscale LA is now owned by actor Jared Leto

By Michael Rosen Updated Nov 2, 2023


Aerial view of Lookout Mountain Air Force Base in Laurel Canyon Los Angeles Calif., June 29, 2014
Kevin via Flickr CC 2.0


Nestled in the squiggly Los Angeles streets above the Sunset Strip, Wonderland Avenue requires those powering themselves up the steep hill to make peace with pain. The reward at the top is a stunning view of Los Angeles — and a portal into secretive Cold War politics, Hollywood propaganda films and one of today’s most recognizable leading men.

The site on Wonderland Avenue changed hands several times in the intervening decades, and was officially decommissioned in 1969. In 2015, the compound ended up with actor and famously weird guy Jared Leto, who told WSJ Magazine shortly after moving in that he is convinced that the site has a sordid history.


6. Nathan Dashwood (Batwoman series)
Had to look this one up as the 5 already listed were the only ones I knew about. Just needed to get this rolling again.

New topic, Famous Nathan/Nathaniels
1. Nathan Hale, Revolutionary War spy


6. Nathan, a friend from uni who was reasonably bright but only achieved a third without honours.

New category: people that under achieved.

Mike Bulgakov

2. Agassi's toupée in Paris (1990 French Open)


“I’m facing Gomez, from Ecuador, whom I just beat weeks ago [in Key Biscayne],” Agassi says. “He’s 30, on the verge of retiring—in fact, I thought he was retired.”

Then, as Agassi says, “catastrophe strikes.”

Catastrophe, in this case, strikes in the shower. That’s where, the night before the final, Agassi feels his hairpiece “suddenly disintegrate in my hands…the weave is coming undone, the thing is falling apart.”

The next day, Agassi’s brother goes on a wild goose chase across Paris in search of bobby pins. After finally finding some, they use 20 of them to tie his hairpiece in place. According to Agassi, though, he spends the match worrying that it’s going to fall off and “land on the clay, like a hawk my father shot from the sky.” He pictures millions of incredulous fans leaning closer to their TVs and asking, “Did Andre Agassi’s hair just fall off?”
2. Agassi's toupée in Paris (1990 French Open)


“I’m facing Gomez, from Ecuador, whom I just beat weeks ago [in Key Biscayne],” Agassi says. “He’s 30, on the verge of retiring—in fact, I thought he was retired.”

Then, as Agassi says, “catastrophe strikes.”

Catastrophe, in this case, strikes in the shower. That’s where, the night before the final, Agassi feels his hairpiece “suddenly disintegrate in my hands…the weave is coming undone, the thing is falling apart.”

The next day, Agassi’s brother goes on a wild goose chase across Paris in search of bobby pins. After finally finding some, they use 20 of them to tie his hairpiece in place. According to Agassi, though, he spends the match worrying that it’s going to fall off and “land on the clay, like a hawk my father shot from the sky.” He pictures millions of incredulous fans leaning closer to their TVs and asking, “Did Andre Agassi’s hair just fall off?”
That was freakin’ HILARIOUS! Oh man, I needed that laugh, thanks @Mike Bulgakov!

Mike Bulgakov

6. The Tunguska Event

Tunguska explosion in 1908 caused by asteroid grazing Earth, study suggests

A theory explains the mysterious explosion in Siberia, scientists say, suggesting Earth barely escaped a far greater catastrophe.
By The Physics arXiv Blog | Published: January 15, 2024

In the early morning of June 30, 1908, a massive explosion flattened entire forests in a remote region of Eastern Siberia along the Tunguska River. Curiously, the Tunguska explosion left no crater, creating a mystery that has puzzled scientists ever since — what could have caused such a huge blast without leaving any remnants of itself?

Now Daniil Khrennikov at the Siberian Federal University in Russia and colleagues have published a new model of the incident that may finally resolve the mystery. Khrennikov and co say the Tunguska explosion was caused by an asteroid that grazed the Earth, entering the atmosphere at a shallow angle and then passing out again into space.

“We argue that the Tunguska event was caused by an iron asteroid body, which passed through the Earth’s atmosphere and continued to the near-solar orbit.” If they are correct, the theory suggests Earth escaped an even larger disaster by a hair’s breadth.

Movies with Dunst:

1. "Melancholia"


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