Hard courts to be banned? Hard court injuries depleting tennis ranks


They could also look at new surfaces such as hard court with more cushion underneath but with a slicker top coating so it plays fast. Attacking tennis while cushioning impact could help. Articificial grass or carpet could also be options. Clay is too slow to put more tournaments on it - too boring. Grass season could be expanded a bit but I wouldn't want to see another major go to grass.


Hall of Fame
I kept saying we need outdoor carpet like fast syn clay and syn grass, it would make the Oz Open awesome to go back to fast grass of some kind.
Also syn clay plays much faster than Euro clay and eliminates injuries with perfect controlled slides and nice cushioning.

Syn clay is a third of the price of the overpriced plexi cushion and other rubberised rubbish that plays different every day and every degree difference in temp. Syn clay has no issues with weather.


so where is the actual study saying hard courts lead to more injuries? I would expect to see ankle and knee issues, maybe back with hard courts but I see a lot more shoulder and wrist issues. Backissues are probably a lot more the extreme torque and swing styles that put a lot more stress on core than previous generation stroke mechanics.


Hall of Fame
Oh come on. Hard courts are perfectly fine for the body. Great traction. Unless you plan on taking dives, it shouldn't hurt you.


I say cut the hard court season in half..make the remaining half a US HarTru season coming after the clay court season and leading into the hard court season. Also, up to the players to schedule their play better (fewer events) so maybe they should be less greedy and can keep their bodies more in one piece. This would add more variety, preserve their bodies and pacify the whiney ass claycourters. The Hartru would be a great surface for the modern game I think.

I say speed up the hard courts and grass to shorten the points, then the injuries plummet.


Part of the problem on HCs is that the pros SLIDE on it. That's crazy. I do slide a lot on clay, but NOT on HCs!

True and the hard courts reward traction o_O why do the sliding. Another thing too is that players play like clay courters on the hard court.

I find it funny that most of the hard court complaning is coming from Rafa a guy who is proficent on clay and deals with so many injuries. Is clay more taxing on the body then hard court, because it is a slower surface and therefore takes more time to construct points and traction is not rewarded on the surface therefore more pressure on the lower body. Clay is more exhausting because most of the matches are longer.


Hall of Fame
The style of play of today requires sliding for some stages of defense.
Its needed to avoid ankles buckling over and putting incredible stress
on the knees, if you dont use it you dont play hard enough or able to.

Sliding is a natural progression to tennis, it also makes it more exciting
and the only issue is hard courts are painted or coated with rubber which
is the worst thing for modern tennis.

Make courts faster for sure but also rid expensive rubberized rubbish
that prevents smaller clubs preventing other future stars rising for the
sake of our game and also developing countries hopes of putting themselves
on the tennis map.

In Australia very few kids have the chance to play on Oz Open surface
as it costs 70-80,000 aud vs 25-30,000 for other less taxin to the body
surfaces like faster syn grass and much faster then euro clay, syn clay
The style of play of today requires sliding for some stages of defense.
Its needed to avoid ankles buckling over and putting incredible stress
on the knees, if you dont use it you dont play hard enough or able to.

Sliding is a natural progression to tennis, it also makes it more exciting
and the only issue is hard courts are painted or coated with rubber which
is the worst thing for modern tennis.

Make courts faster for sure but also rid expensive rubberized rubbish
that prevents smaller clubs preventing other future stars rising for the
sake of our game and also developing countries hopes of putting themselves
on the tennis map.

In Australia very few kids have the chance to play on Oz Open surface
as it costs 70-80,000 aud vs 25-30,000 for other less taxin to the body
surfaces like faster syn grass and much faster then euro clay, syn clay
If all the playing were on clay, then sliding would put no stress on body at all.

West Coast Ace

10 years since this thread but hardcourts still reigning supreme.
And, by some form of magic, there are still enough pros, healthy and upright to fill draws.

Like there isn't enough dumb in the General section - now people are bumping 10 year old threads.