Has anyone compared the spin from a Steam 99s to a Prince Graphite mid?


Hall of Fame
The Steam 99s and 105s has the 16 x 15 pattern. The Prince Graphite mid has a 14 x 17 pattern.

Both patterns are really open...so has anyone tried those 2 racquets back to back? And if so how do they compare spinwise?



Hall of Fame
I was a long time user of the graphite mid, I used it for 15 plus years and recently switched to prestige IG pro. My friend who is a longtime user of the graphite mid is in the process of switching to the steam 99. I have hit with the steam 99s and to me I didn't notice much of a difference in spin production between the 2 rackets. What I did notice is that the steam was much more forgiving, had a larger sweet spot and easier to use( you can get away with alot more like being a little sloppy on the footwork). I also thought the steam had more pop as well.
Now as far on the receiving end I do not notice any difference in my friends shots as far as spin when he's using the graphite or the steam. He does seem to have more pace on his "rally" ball and it seems like he gets much more effortless power.
Hope this helps


Hall of Fame
hi Chace!

Thanks it does help and I appreciate the reply. I think I may have to get a Steam 99s or 105s and give it a try.

Thanks again!


Hall of Fame
The only players that will notice a difference in their spin are players that have fast RHS and already hit with a lot of spin. Otherwise, I would venture out to say that the new open pattern steams probably play similarly to an os racket in terms of power, but with better directional control.

These are only assumptions, though, because I have never played with the new steams.


the Steams feel really light in the shop, never bothered taking them out

think the feel difference vs my Tour 93s would change my swing enough
so it wouldn't be an equal comparo anyways

I switch between T93 & Diablo mid often, find not much spin added.
Also play with many other 20yo Ps in 14x18 so it's not just bed pattern,
frame's flex & reaction does affect my swing too. Just my 2c