Have you ever played a tournament with ball boys/girls?


I played a guy that brought his teenage son to a tournament and made him ball boy for us. The father was kind of mean too. He yelled at his son for being too slow or leaving a ball on the court and not picking it up. I felt sorry for the kid.
A long time ago, maybe the mid 70's. It was at Mazatlan, Mexico, at a clay court club. I think we paid 'em 75 cents an hour. You would think with the unemployment rate as high as it is and this being the worst economy since the great depression, folks would be lined up at the courts looking for ball boy/girl work. I'd pay for it.


I grew up playing in Indonesia and there were always ball boys, not just for tournaments but anytime you went to go play at the club. I think I paid them about $1.00 an hour and I would usually give them my old equipment also...


Hall of Fame
Of course, in a tough singles match, that would make it pretty obvious prety quick if one player is in better aerobic shape than the other....


Seriously, if I could hire a ball kid, I'd gladly pay 5 bucks a match. So much time in my games are wasted from opponents "going to get the ball." It probably wastes close to a quarter of our play time.

I'd be great, but I don't think it's feasible here!



Speaking of ball boys, did anyone see the FO match (Fed, I think, either semi's or quarters) where the net guy made an overhead smash, the ball boy assumed it was a put-away, and went onto the court, but Roger out of the corner of the court returned the ball? The ball boy is now in the way for the net man to respond. Kind of a unique situation, felt bad for the kid on national TV.
Speaking of ball boys, did anyone see the FO match (Fed, I think, either semi's or quarters) where the net guy made an overhead smash, the ball boy assumed it was a put-away, and went onto the court, but Roger out of the corner of the court returned the ball? The ball boy is now in the way for the net man to respond. Kind of a unique situation, felt bad for the kid on national TV.

Very unfortunate occurrence, the ball kid was just trying to do a good job and got a bit ahead of himself. He'd never seen such super-human speeds and assumed Roger wouldn't be getting to the ball. But, Troickci made the situation even worse by being so melodramatic about it and getting on the kid's case. The crowd justifiably booed him for that. The commentators said the kid would need some counseling, he looked like he wanted to hide under the umpire's chair. Shows how important the money has become to have to make a poor kid feel worse rather than laughing it off.

Ya, those ball-model babes at Madrid were hot. They look like they came out of Vogue.


Bionic Poster
I treat the picking up of the balls as part of the workout, and do not want ballpersons for my matches. In addition, I am cheap and will not pay them anything.


I treat the picking up of the balls as part of the workout, and do not want ballpersons for my matches. In addition, I am cheap and will not pay them anything.

Can I pick up your balls sureshs?

I don't want money. I'll do it just for the love.


It all depends on the motivation of the kids and the organizers. I played in the finals of a tournament years ago where ballkids were provided, and they spent most of the match playing catch while rallies were going on. When I needed a ball, I almost had to yell at them to get one.
I bring my own whenever I play a match and verbally abuse them when I lose a point.

It is all part of living up to the Ugly American stereotype.


In rich countries ball(children) are usually only at the top tier of play. If you play in a poor county they tend to be everywhere, in almost every country club, "open" tournaments and whatnot.

It's hard enough to even get a damn competent official when you need one. Trainers, line judges, and ballboys exist only at the highest tier.

Angle Queen

Sometimes my girls (ages 4+ and 2+) will chase down our wayward balls. They'll quickly get over it as they get older. :)

On a slightly similar path, I once got to play a match with "linesmen."

Our county high schools allow the general public to use their (very nice) courts when school's out. Some years back, on Sunday mornings, a group of Indians would play some fairly serious endeavors at the HS nearest me. I had noticed they played only one court -- sometimes singles, sometimes doubles...but always with enough onlookers to provide linesmen. I say "men" because I never saw any women.

So it came as a complete surprise to me when I was approached one morning...to be a "fourth." (My hitting partner had not showed...nor did he...hungover and overslept his alarm). The man's English was impeccable and he asked if I'd join in.

How could I resist? Few of the others spoke English...but they knew tennis...and, while serious athletes, were funny and a joy to play with.

But to the point: it was incredible to play freely, without having to watch the ground. I could, literally, keep my eye on the ball the whole time. I have since wondered how much better all us rec players might be...if we didn't have to worry about making The Correct Call...too.

Oh how I wish...they'd asked me back.

My partner...I think his name was Ajeet (sp? 1K pardons)...and I...won our match
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Bionic Poster
In rich countries ball(children) are usually only at the top tier of play. If you play in a poor county they tend to be everywhere, in almost every country club, "open" tournaments and whatnot.

Yup, you need to sometimes tell them they are not wanted, as they will still show up and expect to be tipped. Happens wherever labor is cheap and a lot of poor school dropout children are looking to make a few bucks. I use them for a month every summer, and they also ask for my old shoes, shorts, shirts etc. So I carry them with me. Once I asked one boy why he didn't complete school, and he said it did not fit his lifestyle! Don't know if paying them is ethical or not. They all have cell phones now though, so it is easy to call them when they are needed.