prove it, thats also not a fact. most colleges take ap credit in all the subjects, with the exception of your major being an ap field of study and trying to get credit.
Hi Tennisnoob,
This will be my last message on AP classes as this is a tennis site....
And so if you need me to "prove it" on any other topic,
I would kindly suggest looking it up yourself.
My statement was, "The fact is many colleges are now not accepting AP classes for college credit."
And let's see, you are asking me to "prove it".
Well, for starters, taking a AP class does not guarantee that you will receive college credit,
it is at the discretion of the college.
Some colleges only accept 4's or 5's now,
others will take high AP exam scores to satisfy the foreign-language requirement,
but not general education credits.
Some schools don't award credits, but placement is in a sophomore class.
Some colleges only give credit for a maximum of three AP courses
While all of this may be for financial gain on the college's part,
one must not expect that AP courses in high school are a guarantee for college credit.
Today's current college policy for your 9th grader may change when they graduate.
Of course, for a gifted student the option to take fewer courses in college in order to graduate sooner would make no sense.
And the College Board, a nonprofit organization, derives about a third of its $600 million revenue annually from Advanced Placement exams,
And this from a College Advisory site:
AP College Credit Con
Some unsuspecting students will be surprised to find that their classes are not as readily accepted by universities as they thought they would be.
Elite colleges sometimes will claim that some high schools’ AP level courses are not as rigorous as their own; therefore they won’t accept the credits.
High schools are also getting in on the act of misusing the AP program.
Some schools are teaching to the test, which causes inflated AP score averages.
This scenario effectively churns out kids with AP credit who don’t necessarily have a deep knowledge level of the subject.