Head Boom Pro Vs Babolat Pure Aero 98


New User
Hello All,
After 3 years of Pure Drive (2021) I was looking for something more 'competitive'. Something that would give me more precision and a bit more consistency.
So I switched to Head Boom Pro. I didn't have a bad time with it, it's just that the extra 10g of the Boom makes itself felt in close and hard matches. The racquet after 1,5 hr, feels heavy and I have a hard time getting the racquet head to swing fast.
Do you think the Pure Aero 98 could be right for me? Or do you think the Pure Aero 98 is too 'competitive' and I would be better off switching to the Pure Aero (300x100)?


Pure aero 98 will be even tougher to swing compared to boom pro since the SW is high. Pure aero 100 2023 might be good option due to better control and so eventually the precision !


Pure aero 98 will be even tougher to swing compared to boom pro since the SW is high.
Correct stipulation (that the PA98 will be harder to swing), but incorrect reason. Strung swing weight of the PA98 and Boom Pro are identical at 325. It's the higher recoil weight / polarization and lower MGR/i of the PA98 that will make it a bit tougher to swing (for most players); the difference in beam geometry may also play a role (constant 22.5mm hybrid box beam versus variable-width elliptical beam with 23mm max). In case you're unaware, here are educational primers on both recoil weight / polarization (link) and MGR/i (link) by Impacting Tennis, to help understand why those concepts can make a difference in how "hard" or "easy" a frame is to swing.

@Pet_82 - As I said in the other thread where you were comparing the PD21 to the PA23, I would try and get your hands on a Pure Drive 98 -- not carried online by TW, but available at other online retailers such as T3nnis-P0int (disguised link here). With a stock swing weight of roughly 315, it will be eminently easier to snap around than either the PD21, PA23 or PA98, and it will be of course much more familiar in terms of overall behavior, some from a regular-sized Pure Drive previously. It will be a bit more stiff, though, so you may have to pay some mind to boosting comfort (via customizing for higher recoil weight and/or stringing for higher shock-absorbency).

Hope that helps!


Hall of Fame
Correct stipulation (that the PA98 will be harder to swing), but incorrect reason. Strung swing weight of the PA98 and Boom Pro are identical at 325. It's the higher recoil weight / polarization and lower MGR/i of the PA98 that will make it a bit tougher to swing (for most players); the difference in beam geometry may also play a role (constant 22.5mm hybrid box beam versus variable-width elliptical beam with 23mm max). In case you're unaware, here are educational primers on both recoil weight / polarization (link) and MGR/i (link) by Impacting Tennis, to help understand why those concepts can make a difference in how "hard" or "easy" a frame is to swing.

@Pet_82 - As I said in the other thread where you were comparing the PD21 to the PA23, I would try and get your hands on a Pure Drive 98 -- not carried online by TW, but available at other online retailers such as T3nnis-P0int (disguised link here). With a stock swing weight of roughly 315, it will be eminently easier to snap around than either the PD21, PA23 or PA98, and it will be of course much more familiar in terms of overall behavior, some from a regular-sized Pure Drive previously. It will be a bit more stiff, though, so you may have to pay some mind to boosting comfort (via customizing for higher recoil weight and/or stringing for higher shock-absorbency).

Hope that helps!
Same SW, same balance but one is 5g lighter and has a more aerodynamic beam.


Trip, the PD 98 does not have a SW of 315. I don’t know how the retailer site got that number. Babolat lists the SW at 300 unstrung. The two PD 98’s I tried had swingweights of 328 and 330.


@J D - Very weird. A buddy of mine has one that I swung, with a hybrid in it, so a medium amount of string weight, and I didn't have a chance to throw it on my Briffidi, but felt like 320-ish, nor more than 325. T3nnisExpress shows a 315 average strung; T3nnis-P0int shows a 322. Then you look on Babolat's site and they're listed at 300 (unstrung). If most of the sticks are actually coming in 300 unstrung, then of course I stand corrected and will remove my recommendation to @Pet_82. Just a bizarre mix of numbers...


I agree, it’s odd. My two examples agree with Bab’s published specs and swung even heavier than the numbers would indicate.

They really crushed the ball, though. Reminded me of the first Pure Controls that had swingweights in the mid 330’s.