Head Codes [Updated list]


Hall of Fame
Does anyone know what is the code for the retail Touch Prestige Pro? I didn't see it anywhere in the thread, hopefully I didn't miss it

Dino Lagaffe

Hall of Fame
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this question. I don't really care which line of racquets it comes from, but what would the code be for the following specs? Or the closest alternative...

Stringpattern: 16x19 (or any combination considered "open")
Length: 27.5"
RA: Not more than 60-61
Headsize: Doesn't really matter, but 95 - 100ish


Hall of Fame
Can you show us where in the first post it shows that???
TGK297.1 is the Instinct per first post
Edit: Thanks to vsbabolat helping me realize how dumb I am, I see that Howard said 291.7 which I read as 297.1.
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Hall of Fame
Got this in today



Hall of Fame
Just changed the pallet on one of my GTouch Prestige Pros. Code on the pallet was TGK291-03, I was expecting 291.7

could this be a different layup that the standard touch prestige pro?


New User
Fantastic and very helpful list!
- But could anyone help me out with codes for these rackets?:

- i.Radical MP (18x20)
- LM Radical MP (18x20)
- MG Radical Pro (16x19, 100sqin)
- YTIG Radical Pro (16x19)
- YTIG Radical OS (18x19)

and, for some long shots:
- Prestige Tour 600 (18x20, suspension grip)
- Prestige Tour 660 (18x19, suspension grip)
- Elite Master 660 (18x19, 102 sqin)


my i.Radical MP has TGK113.2 under the pallets.


New User
Can someone please educate me if there is any difference between a PT333.1 and PT333.2? Also, is the TGT333.1 the same mold & layup as the retail version of the Head Extreme Touch MP?
Just a short update about layup changes within pro stocks.
I have TGT293.2 in YouTek IG, Graphene XT, Graphene Touch and Graphene 360+ paint jobs.

But just discovered that Graphene XT is TGT293.2 layup T2 – and the Graphene 360+ is TGT293.2 layup T4.
Also, I can feel that YouTek IG feels slightly different (softer and less pingy) than both T2 and T4 layup.

From what I know the forthcoming Auxetic Prestige paint job will be T5.

Moreover, TGT345.1/2 (new Prestige 95" 18x20, former MP - current Pro) in Auxetic Prestige will be T2 layup. Could that be upgrade from T1 in Graphene 360+?
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Just a short update about layup changes within pro stocks.
I have TGT293.2 in YouTek IG, Graphene XT, Graphene Touch and Graphene 360+ paint jobs.

But just discovered that Graphene XT is TGT293.2 layup T2 – and the Graphene 360+ is TGT293.2 layup T4.
Also I can feel that YouTek IG feels slightly different (softer and less pingy) than both T2 and T4 layup.

From what I know the forthcoming Auxetic Prestige paint job will be T5.

Hi, interesting. Was not at all aware of this "Tx" layup differences. Never felt a difference in prostock tgt293.2 whatever paintjob. But i might not be so sensitive.
Hi, interesting. Was not at all aware of this "Tx" layup differences. Never felt a difference in prostock tgt293.2 whatever paintjob. But i might not be so sensitive.

I mean the biggest difference is between YouTek IG and G360+ (both have the same specs, so I can compare – however G360+ has silicon/foam in chambers of the handle while IG only silicon).
Also, the differences between layups could be not that big in the end.

In this thread – TGT291.2 (Graphene XT) is T6 while Auxetic will be T8.


New User
Can someone please educate me if there is any difference between a PT333.1 and PT333.2? Also, is the TGT333.1 the same mold & layup as the retail version of the Head Extreme Touch MP?
Same question on difference in layup between PT333.1 and PT333.2 — thanks