Head Extreme pro 2.0 vs Extreme pro MP:


Head Extreme pro 2.0 vs Extreme pro MP:
I actually owned the 2.0 about 6 mos ago. I loved it. Dont know why i ended up getting rid of it in favor of my APD's. Well the APDs are great sticks, so never mind that comment. But my curiosity lies in the fact that the swing weight is listed as higher on the MP than the 2.0 which is higher in static weight. Can someone who has used both please elaborate on this, and not just scientifically, does the MP swing heavier? whats the difference in feel? Thanks in advance. You guys really are the best. Tennis anyone?


Dude I was just trying to understand which racket you were asking about, because it wasn't clear from your post, regardless of how clear you thought it was.

Here's some advice: when asking for help, save the attitude.

YOUTEK IG Extreme MP has a swing weight of 317 (http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCHEAD-HYXMP1.html)
YOUTEK IG Extreme Pro 2.0 has a swing weight of 326

Not sure why you'd think the MP would swing heavier. Also don't know why you're interested in a discontinued racket.
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Dude I was just trying to understand which racket you were asking about, because it wasn't clear from your post, regardless of how clear you thought it was.

Here's some advice: when asking for help, save the attitude.

YOUTEK IG Extreme MP has a swing weight of 317 (http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCHEAD-HYXMP1.html)
YOUTEK IG Extreme Pro 2.0 has a swing weight of 326

Not sure why you'd think the MP would swing heavier.

@Souledge: you're a gentlemen! and even helps the rude OP with answering the question!


Well, ask for the right racket, and you might get the answer you're looking for.

Even better, when asked to clarify, don't give the wrong answer twice and then expect people to read your mind. That's why I posted a link to the racket that YOU asked for from TW.

Which MP? Extreme MP or Extreme MP 2.0? There's no Extreme Pro MP to the best of my knowledge.


Please show me this Extreme Pro MP.
Extreme mp. My bad

Did YOU not ask for an "Extreme MP"?
Is the link not referring to an "Extreme MP"?
I'll even post it again for you. http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCHEAD-HYXMP1.html

So not only am I wrong, but TW is wrong about the swingweight too? Why don't you try to buy the racket in the link and tell me if it's discontinued or not.

You could have not wasted everyone's time at the beginning, apologized and posted a link to the racket you were asking about. Ever thought for a second that your perspective might be wrong, especially with no evidence to the contrary?
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Well, ask for the right racket, and you might get the answer you're looking for.

Even better, when asked to clarify, don't give the wrong answer twice and then expect people to read your mind. That's why I posted a link to the racket that YOU asked for from TW.

Did YOU not ask for an "Extreme MP"?
Is the link not referring to an "Extreme MP"?
I'll even post it again for you. http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCHEAD-HYXMP1.html

So not only am I wrong, but TW is wrong about the swingweight too? Why don't you try to buy the racket in the link and tell me if it's discontinued or not.

You could have not wasted everyone's time at the beginning, apologized and posted a link to the racket you were asking about. Ever thought for a second that your perspective might be wrong, especially with no evidence to the contrary?

Hey genius. The extreme MP 2.0 is obviously what I was referring to. And is very much in production. What are you. A wanna be lawyer or something. Lol. It was a simple enough post with a simple mistake. And I mentioned the lower static weight with higher swing weight, so that would simply enough lead you to the right racquet. But you don't have the mental skills to figure that out. You have a nice vocabulary, but nothing to drive it. You need to go see the Wizard. Tin man.


Hey genius. The extreme MP 2.0 is obviously what I was referring to. And is very much in production. What are you. A wanna be lawyer or something. Lol. It was a simple enough post with a simple mistake. And I mentioned the lower static weight with higher swing weight, so that would simply enough lead you to the right racquet. But you don't have the mental skills to figure that out. You have a nice vocabulary, but nothing to drive it. You need to go see the Wizard. Tin man.

You did mention that, but being that you can't even get a name right, chances were you were mistaken about the swing weight too. I'm sorry I didn't give your intelligence enough credit, seems like your posts indicate that you're a real smart guy.

Or I could've been a dick and knew what you were talking about the entire time, but just didn't feel like helping you because of your attitude and because you couldn't be bothered to ask for the right racket.

Which MP? Extreme MP or Extreme MP 2.0? There's no Extreme Pro MP to the best of my knowledge.


Please show me this Extreme Pro MP.
Extreme mp. My bad

Really? This is obvious?

This is pretty much you in a nutshell:
"Hey guys, I want help on a sport name tannis."
"You sure, you don't mean tennis?"
"No, TANNIS damnit!"
"Well, we've never heard of something called Tannis. Here's a wiki article on Tennis."
"Uh....durr.......obviously I meant Tennis. You guys are all f***ing stupid."

I hope you realize how idiotic, moronic, and self-righteous you sound. If we had an award for n00b of the year for 2013, you'd be by far the runaway winner.

I have nothing more to say. Go find someone who's actually willing to help you, I'm done here. The subject you are asking about (EP 2.0 vs. EMP 2.0) has been covered to death in many other threads.

@Souledge: you're a gentlemen! and even helps the rude OP with answering the question!

Being a gentleman only goes so far. Sometimes you have to show people the error of their ways, even if they don't realize that they need it.
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Being a gentleman only goes so far. Sometimes you have to show people the error of their ways, even if they don't realize that they need it.

@Souledge: it's a waste of time... If we want to help each other we should respect each other and not having a stupid discussion that the reader is should understand an obvious mistake by the poster and is disrespected!
I still appreciate your willingness to help the OP

@danbrenner: doesn't matter what I or other posters respond, doesn't matter who is right or wrong...
I'll suggest you have a look at the way you communicate and pay attention to respect maybe then you'll get some yourself!


Hall of Fame
I prefer the Pro on specs, it's got a lower swing weight and heavier frame which is achiever through increase in HL. The MP will feel as heavy as the Pro due to it's heavier head. The pro will allow you to control your power much better, this is a better choice for top spin players.