Head Graphene 360 Speed Pro - Balance issues?


New User
Hi All - I wanted to see if anybody else who has purchased a Head Graphene 360 Speed Pro has noticed the "even balance" or even slightly head-heavy nature of the racquet... The TW specs show the racquet as 6pts HL, but my racquet says it is 1pt HL (315mm balance) and the Head website says the same.

I demo'ed the Head Graphene 360 Speed Pro back in December 2018 through TW and fell in love. I was coming from the Graphene Touch Radical MP, and this felt like an amazing successor in many ways. Just as much spin, more control, easier to flatten out shots, great serves. It was head-light and whippy, just how I like it.

I bought the racquet just two weeks ago, strung it up with Solinco Hyper-G 18 and went out to hit. It felt sluggish, head-heavy, not at all what I remembered from my demo... Then I took a look at the racquet and saw that it had a balance of 1pt HL. Is this a mistake / QA issue?

Jay Winzenz

New User
On Head's website and on the racquet it indicates the balance is 1 in (inch) HL, not 1 pt. 1 inch = 8 pts. Those are unstrung specs and will change once the racquet is strung.


New User
That makes sense, thank you Jay!

Now that makes me wonder about the head heavy feeling, but that's another issue...


Hall of Fame
You need to actually measure your balance and see exactly what it is....... sometimes you can return it if the specs are off a lot. I think they usually pick a racquet for a demo that is bang on spec. I have asked before if i could buy the demo i tried because who knows what the racquet you actually end up getting will be like!


That makes sense, thank you Jay!

Now that makes me wonder about the head heavy feeling, but that's another issue...

For info strings reduce the number of points headlight by about 3 if they weigh about 15g and about 4 if 20g. This is an approximation but was told to me some time ago by Paul Angell (of Angell rackets fame) so it's a pretty good guide.

Dunno why yours feels head heavy though. Maybe get it measured and see how close it is to the advertised specs and if if it's within tolerances. If it's outside of these maybe you could return it?

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New User
You need to actually measure your balance and see exactly what it is....... sometimes you can return it if the specs are off a lot. I think they usually pick a racquet for a demo that is bang on spec. I have asked before if i could buy the demo i tried because who knows what the racquet you actually end up getting will be like!

Thanks for the tip Zoolander! I crudely measured the racquet just now and it seems that the unstrung balance nearly matches the specs (31.4cm vs 31.5cm). I'll test it a few more times, but I guess this is just a case of user perception error...


New User
For info strings reduce the number of points headlight by about 3 if they weigh about 15g and about 4 if 20g. This is an approximation but was told to me some time ago by Paul Angell (of Angell rackets fame) so it's a pretty good guide.

Dunno why yours feels head heavy though. Maybe get it measured and see how close it is to the advertised specs and if if it's within tolerances. If it's outside of these maybe you could return it?

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Thanks redmini. It looks like the racquet is fine, just a question of feel. I noticed that some of the customer reviews of this racquet mentioned the strangely "even" balance of the racquet, so maybe that biased me. I'll probably throw on a leather grip for good measure and see if that sorts out my issues.