Head Graphine Radical Pro - Beginner-Intermediate


New User
Hey guys,

I was wondering how this racquet would perform for a beginner to intermediate player? I have rarely played over the years but this summer I plan to get out on the courts much more often. I have a beat up 10 year old Babolat rodick pure drive and need an upgrade.

I found a guy locally selling the Radical Pro in great condition strung with Voelkl Cuclone. Is this a good upgrade?

The racquet is also 4 3/8 with an oversize grip already on it. My old racquet was 4 5/8. I actually just did the measurement test and I'm 4 3/4. Is it advisable to add more oversize grips to this racquet and does it affect performance at all?

Thanks everyone :)

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Nothing wrong with using the racquet to learn with. Problem exists in the size of the handle. It is too small for what you need. Adding OGs will round out the handle shape leading to issues finding the right grip for groundstrokes. You could try the replacement grip route and get the thickest replacement grip you can find. Then add a thick OG. 2 cents.


Either you have huge hands or you're using the grip size measurement rules developed in the 1960s when everyone used a 4 5/8" grip. 4 3/8 is the most popular size now, with almost everyone else (except the real old guys) using 4 1/4 or 4 1/2. A smaller grip may feel odd at first, but you'll get used to it and will probably get more racquet head speed and power when you do.

As to whether the racquet is satisfactory for beginning and intermediate players, I think it's great but it's really a personal thing. Some beginners like a lighter racquet or a larger head size, but if you can handle the weight (and if you really need a 4 5/8" grip I'm guessing you can), this mid-11 oz/98" frame will provide good stability, reasonable touch, and sufficient power.

It's highly unlikely that any racquet will be the weak link in your climb to tennis domination. Use what feels good to you and enjoy the game.


Im a big fan of the Graphene Radical Pro, and strung with Cyclone...you are on to a good thing. The Radical Pro is a great combination of a Tweener Power Racket and the more classical control orientated racket.


Depends on how much he wants for it. The grip can always be built up. You can buy it, use it for a little while and get rid of it if you don't like it. Or just keep it.