Head grip pallet (rectangular on Yonex EZONE 98)


Anyone else HATE the lack of flair on the on the Yonex butt caps?

I'm going to have a rectangular grip pallet (old school Head) and flared butt cap put on an EZONE 98.

Anyone else done this with some success or was it a disaster?

Thoughts, advice?



i have noticed the same for my RDiS200 & Dual G butt caps... if you just want a more flared butt cap for the Yonex, someone recently changed to a Wilson one, as it is more flared than the Yonex butt cap.
i don't know how easy it is to swap from the Yonex handle to the Head TK82 pallets... (don't recall Yones uses pallet system..)


Unstrung customs offers pallet change as a service.
I think you can also just buy it and try to install yourself.


Hall of Fame
Whoa there, horsey! Why dont you just take the yonex buttcap off and try a head one first?

If you dont mind the yonex gripshape, then dont even think about removing the handle to put head pallets on. Im 95% sure head pallets wont fit and you will have to pay stacks to get the custom 3D printed pallets or a new molded handle put on.

I hate yonex buttcaps for the lack of flare and the wilson ones on my RF and UT were almost as bad. Just swap them for a Head one or use electrical tape to flare them up a bit.


Since when does Yonex have pallets? Sounds expensive to change the YY molded handle just to slap on Head pallets. I've installed plenty of Head butt caps on Yonex frames but never messed with the handles themselves.


Hall of Fame
You can cut up some overgrips and wrap that Yonex butt cap 1-3 rounds to build up the flare. I did it for my VCore Pro 97 and it feels much better with the flare.


You can flare it yourself, by adding a bit of overgrip on the buttcap (half width of it).