Head Liquidmetal Radical MP or Microgel Radical MP


New User

I am a beginner/intermediate player. I'm looking for a racket to play with and found two rackets under $100, Head Liquidmetal Radical MP and Head Microgel Radical MP. Which one do you guys think it's better? Or anyone a recommend me other rackets in this price range. Please your share your experiences :)


Bionic Poster
I have both.
LMRads have a stiffer head, might be better for strong hitters or big guys.
MGRads are softer in the head, much friendlier, but don't first flat serve as hard.


I've played with both and the MG radical MP is still the racket that I play with (slighty modified). The racket feels soft and really plays great. Played with the LM a while ago and I just prefer the MG :)


Hall of Fame
IMHO lm radical is much better racquet unless you plan to ad lead and modify micro gel feels flimsy since it has lower swing weight but than again if you modify lm it becomes even better so again lm is just a better feeling racquet.
Just ask Djokovic ;)
Oh and I own both

rich s

Hall of Fame

I am a beginner/intermediate player. I'm looking for a racket to play with and found two rackets under $100, Head Liquidmetal Radical MP and Head Microgel Radical MP. Which one do you guys think it's better? Or anyone a recommend me other rackets in this price range. Please your share your experiences :)

Neither... get an MG Radical oversize. it's the same price as the MG Rad MP but is more forgiving because of it's oversize head which would make it a better choice for a beginner/intermediate player IMO....

I have both the MG Rad MP and OS.... the OS is my preferred stick between the two.....

my $.02


Hall of Fame
I have both.
LMRads have a stiffer head, might be better for strong hitters or big guys.
MGRads are softer in the head, much friendlier, but don't first flat serve as hard.

I agree with everything ^^ but also want to add that the radical mg mp is also a wonder at the net and hits volleys very well. While the LM Rad mp does not and flexes way too much at net and feels less predictable.


Don't want to threadjack, but....I have the MG Radical OS and love it. I do need to string it for more power though. It's a low powered stick. It's currently hybrid strung at 62/58.

LeeD and Rich_S, how is your's strung?

rich s

Hall of Fame
Don't want to threadjack, but....I have the MG Radical OS and love it. I do need to string it for more power though. It's a low powered stick. It's currently hybrid strung at 62/58.

LeeD and Rich_S, how is your's strung?

I sting mine with a full bed ProSupex Maxim Touch 17 .... 60mains/65crosses....


I have the LM Rad OS and MP, and play with both, despite my unchanged signature. As above, in your situation, out of those two, I'd recommend the OS for the pattern and forgiveness. Both get around well. But...

OP provide some more information about your beginner/intermediate game. Perhaps look at the LM 4.

I'll add the Radicals of the same type but different "generations" have the same patterns. All come strung, but you'll probably want to switch out (your choice when) to a decent synthetic gut to get the feel of the racquet.
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New User
I demoed the Lm Radical mp, I liked it a lot because i wasnt overhitting the ball so much compared to my cheap Energy Xl .

Control was amazing too.

Ironically i bought the microgel rad mp instead after handling at my local sporting goods store. Im hoping it will be jsut like the Liquidmetal but more comfortable and less tinny.