Head Liquidmetal Radical MP- still worth buying in 2025?

I seem to be encountering differing opinions regarding comfort- some users mention a stiff, hollow feel, others mention a solid feel. Is the power and spin capability likely to be subpar compared to modern 95 inch racquets? How much lead in the handle and hoop would required to bring it up to useable specs for an upper intermediate player? My only other 95 inch is the prestige tour auxetic 2.0-would the LM radical MP likely be a pointless step back in terms of feel and usability?


I seem to be encountering differing opinions regarding comfort- some users mention a stiff, hollow feel, others mention a solid feel. Is the power and spin capability likely to be subpar compared to modern 95 inch racquets? How much lead in the handle and hoop would required to bring it up to useable specs for an upper intermediate player? My only other 95 inch is the prestige tour auxetic 2.0-would the LM radical MP likely be a pointless step back in terms of feel and usability?

The Aux 2.0 Prestige Tour is a special racket. Great feel, spin and larger than expected sweet spot. I sold mine to a friend for $80 for no good reason other than I had too many rackets at the time. I know the Liquid Metal Radical MP (and still have one but don't use it) has pedigree and history etc but it a really hard to use racket with decent but honestly not great feel. And quality control from that gen was atrocious so the swing weight can have a huge range and you just don't know what you are going to get. The 18x20 is tight and has a small sweet spot. It will make your Prestige Tour Feel like a modern day spin machine.

If you get a clean unit for $60-75 go for it and keep it in the collection like I did. :-D


Hall of Fame
As @thenewbig3 already wrote, every LM Radical MP comes at wildy different specs so without measuring it's hard to judge the frame imo.
If specced similarly to a Prestige tour, I'd say the power levels are comparable but maybe a bit lower, the feel is better but more brassy and raw.
Comparing the 18x20 of the LM vs the 16x19 of the prestige tour is a bit rough. If you like 18x20 racquets, there is nothing particularly harder about the LM.
I think it's easier to play than the current prestige pro for example, slightly smaller head but more power from the frame (thicker beam, stiffness).
As @thenewbig3 already wrote, every LM Radical MP comes at wildy different specs so without measuring it's hard to judge the frame imo.
If specced similarly to a Prestige tour, I'd say the power levels are comparable but maybe a bit lower, the feel is better but more brassy and raw.
Comparing the 18x20 of the LM vs the 16x19 of the prestige tour is a bit rough. If you like 18x20 racquets, there is nothing particularly harder about the LM.
I think it's easier to play than the current prestige pro for example, slightly smaller head but more power from the frame (thicker beam, stiffness).
So you think it still holds its own if you get a decent one?
No chance in hell.... But obviously racketholics will answer differently. (Secret : I would have said YES a few months ago myself)

But YES you will be able to play tennis and enjoy all that brassy feel and feedback
So you tried one a few months ago and it felt stiff? Was yours leaded up?I'm gonna inject silicone in the handle and take it up to 340g plus static with some lead in the hoop as well, should take care of any discomfort I hope


So you tried one a few months ago and it felt stiff? Was yours leaded up?I'm gonna inject silicone in the handle and take it up to 340g plus static with some lead in the hoop as well, should take care of any discomfort I hope

It has a slightly brassy feel (stiffness is slightly firm but nothing crazy) relative to the Prestige Tour and completely free of dampening. No discomfort, just hard to play with a small sweet-spot even at 330SW. I guess everything depends on what "holds its own" and "intermediate player" and "usability" means to each of us. Great Racket - But there are literally 100s of great rackets in the last 25 years. Cheers!
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+1 for the LM Rad MP

IMO the stiffness and thicker/robust beam construction makes it more powerful than a 95' Prestige. If the string is too stiff or tension too high sure it will feel uncomfortable. But it has an otherwise connected, firm feel. Compared to any typical Babolat it's plush af. Compared to a PT57A it feels stiff. If you set it up reasonably it shouldn't hurt your arm but you will feel very well the sweetspot and clear feedback on the contact point. Not a big spin racket...the spin comes from your technique. Lower but consistent/predictable trajectory. It is my favorite racket ever on serve returns. I play it essentially stock with leather/overgrip, no issues with stability.
IMO with weight it acquires (more) plushness- which I personally don't want. Worth at least a try!

