Head MG Prestige Mid. A question to the 'classic' and PT players


So I was gone from tennis through all these Prestige 300/600, PT's/280's, Classics, etc., era, and have no idea what they felt like.

Because I like a 16-main racket, I'd tried a MG Prestige Pro, but it felt VERY flexy - although the rating across the board are almost identical.

I borrowed a Junior's Player's Prestige Mid the other night and just destroyed him - with his racket - which pissed him off. I could slapshot winners from almost anywhere, and I REALLY liked the racket (gut crosses, Lux' mains, 56#). Best thing I've used, so far, and believe me, I've demo'd just about EVERYTHING!

Since everyone here raves about the older Heads - and even TW said in their MG-review, that the older Prestige's had a better feel, my question is twofold (for more experienced players):

1. Is there REALLY that much of a difference from the current MG Prestige? I thought it was pretty nice.

2. I like my MG Radical Pros, but I played faaaar better with the MG Prestige Mid. So what racket in the older series would be a 'step up' from the feel of the Mid MG, but still have those characteristics? PT280? 600? 300?

I'd maybe like to pursue an older-but-better frame - at least to try - before I load up on the MG mids (or wait until Head gets the Youtek Prestiges out)

Sorry if this belonged in one of the 'club' posts, but I haven't seen anything (although I might have missed something) that related to this particular question.



I´ve played over 7 years with PT-600 and Classic Mids (TW´s reissue of the PC-600).

I prefer the new Microgels much more - more crispy feeling and not too flexy like my old PTs and Classics.

But Paul Reed from TW selected a matched pair with fairly low swingweight (322 strung) for me - these raquets are more comfortable to swing and that´s one of the reasons I prefer the to the old ones.

IMO the Microgel Prestige Mid is an improvement over the old PC-600, so go for it!


Hall of Fame
I think you should go with the current model, unless you're able to get some near mint older PC600s for a good price. The older frames have a better "feel" but my feeling is that some of them, especially bought off the "bay", may be rather worn and used. If you like the current model so much there really is no need to spend a small fortune on the older rackets. Some of these older PC600s can be quite pricey.


Hall of Fame
I´ve played over 7 years with PT-600 and Classic Mids (TW´s reissue of the PC-600).

I prefer the new Microgels much more - more crispy feeling and not too flexy like my old PTs and Classics.

But Paul Reed from TW selected a matched pair with fairly low swingweight (322 strung) for me - these raquets are more comfortable to swing and that´s one of the reasons I prefer the to the old ones.

IMO the Microgel Prestige Mid is an improvement over the old PC-600, so go for it!
How about arm friendliness? Are the classics more user friendly than the MG Prestige Mid?


The Microgel Mid has a bit more pop compared to the PT-600 and Classic. You can feel it and hear the sound (specially after hitting flat serves). My old Prestiges have a much more muted and mushy feeling.

The new ones feel more comfortable and arm-friendly and I but my matched pair has a slightly lower swingweight than the standard specs and this contributes to making them more user-friendly.

All my PT-600s and Classics have different swingweights (all much higher than the new Prestiges). When buying new ones you have the option of having a matched pair selected for you - an advantage over 'treasure hunting' for discontinued frames.

But a great portion of the comfort factor lies in the string choice. The Prestige is a very finicky stick when it comes to string selection (maybe due to its has very small and dense stringbed).

I´d recommend a thinner (17, 17L) multifilament or 18 gauge softer co-poly at lower tension.


Hall of Fame
I´d recommend a thinner (17, 17L) multifilament or 18 gauge softer co-poly at lower tension.
Good idea - I am planning to get my PC600 strung with Head Rip Control 17.


The MG Prestige Mid is one bad mother!!! I have been using them for over a year now and I think I will still be using them for some time to come, even though I like to demo every now and then.

When I am playing good nothing is better, and when I am playing bad sometimes I blame it on the head size or the strings and then I demo another stick and realize that it is not the stick but me playing like crap. Then the next time I come out and kill it, all is well again.

Ross K

Pro Tour 280/630... PC 600... MG Prestige mid...

Can anyone who has played all 3 rank them 1, 2, 3 for the most pop on serve.



Ross K


for me,

MG Mid, PC600, PT280, PT630.

^^^ Very interesting OnyxZ28!

... and, based on what I was told, I thought the MG mid wasn't such a powerful serve racquet?

... and that the PT 630 ranks so low is also interesting... I, personally, have also never found it to be very powerful on serve - where as lots of others I've read here on the boards apparently find it a total bomb machine...?

Anyhow, I don't want to 'thread-jack', so maybe I'll post up my own thread on this specific topic.




Ross, MG Mid is a monster on serve. Nice action and you can put the ball almost anywhere you want.


New User
I started playing tennis with the PT280 and had 3 of them for around 10 years (2 Austrian, 1 Chinese).

I've since switched to the Prestige Tour 600 mid (have 2) and one Trysis 300 (which is essentially the same frame, suspension grip and all).

My general observations are that the Prestige's serve better and are way more stable and maneuverable than the 280's. For me, I never thought I would find anything better that the 280's until I started playing with the Prestige's.

I have spoken to some people who have played with both the MG versions and the old Classics and they have told me (one is sponsored by Head) that they preferred the Classics. However, I would say go for the MG's. The prices are all over the map for the Classics and you simply never know what you are going to get. If I ever have to replace mine, I'll just go with new MG's.

In terms of string, I go all 17g multi (Tecnifibre NRG2). The feel is great.