Head Microgel Radical MP - is it a good replacement for Head Graphene Prestige?


New User
For the past 5 years I've been playing with 2x 2013 Head Graphene Prestige MP rackets...
Spec: 320g unstrung (measured at 365 with overgrips/strings etc), 18/20 string pattern, 98in headsize.

I've been suffering with tennis elbow over the past 1.5 years if I play too much. I think this may be due to the heavy weight of the racket.

Before using these Graphene Prestige rackets I played with Head Liquidmetal Radical MP rackets (295g, 98in, 18/20 string pattern) for 12 years...I absolutely loved them!

There are great offers around on Head Microgel Radical MP rackets. The spec seems very close to my beloved LM Radical @ 295g, 98in, 18/20 pattern. My brother owned a MG 12 years ago and was a big fan too.

Do you think the Head Microgel Radical MP rackets are a good upgrade these days? Are they similar to the Liquidmetal Radical? Any feedback from current/previous users of the Microgels?

FWIW I'm an advanced player at my club, I have a big serve, like to come into the net, prefer to control my shots rather than hit with pure power.


- Any idea on the strung spec of any/all of these setups, including static weight, balance and swing weight? Short of that, can you order which frames seem to swing easiest for you, and precisely when/how?
- Are all frames the same grip size?
- What is your string setup, including mains, crosses, gauges and tensions? Is it the same across all frames, or close to it?
- Lastly, how tall are you? (no, I'm not crazy; it could help knowing, for a reason I'll divulge below)

Depending on answers to all the above, a lighter-spec frame may or may not solve your TE issues all on its own -- potentially yes if it enables you to swing with more optimally-loaded force and a smoother kinetic flow, but of course not if the root cause is unrelated to weightings alone.

Further that that, even, and moving beyond the frame and its base specs, is making sure you have a racquet setup with a proper recoil weight for your arm length (as a function of height), per @Brando's ideas in the Who Cares About Recoil Weight thread (this post in particular) -- which when dialed in, often promotes the most relaxed grip, wrist coupling and forearm muscles possible during the swing, all of which can help to lessen the acutely-applied trauma to the elbow area -- all on its own.

So there's a lot of variables in play here, the racquet's static and swing weight being only two, and possibly minor at that, depending on what we find out as we chat further.
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