Head Microgel Radical MP or Liquidmetal Rad. MP


New User
Hi tennis players,
I need help on deciding which racquet to get. I'm letting go of my ksixone 95 for a bigger frame and denser string pattern, and I'm really enjoying my head microgel radical MP demo. But a previous version of the radical, liquidmetal radical mp is less expensive at $70. I want to know if the liquidmetal plays similar to the microgel? Should I sacrafice more money for the microgel for save some money with liquidmetal?


Well, with either the Liquidmetal or Microgel, you're in fact going to get less power than the K6.1. The K6.1 in my opinion is pretty powerful, IMO.

The LM, according to many people on the boards doesn't play like the Microgel. The LM is has more heft and feels like it's got more plowthrough and mass, therefore better for baseliners. I personally felt that it was too sluggish. The Microgel is more of an all around racquet, with the strengths being the serves, volleys, and baseline game. However, some people feel the LM is like that as well. Demo demo demo.

If you're looking for a lighter, more powerful option than the K6.1, I'd recommend the Tecnifibre VO2 295. It's 95 square inches, has an open string pattern at 16x19 and has a strung weight of 11oz according to TW. It's the same mold as the VO2 320, which many on these boards enjoy, except lighter. You can always customize it later if you want it heavier.


Hall of Fame
if the weight is a problem with the radical, you can try putting the prestige CAP grommets. it makes it feel a lot heavier. in terms of looks, i would pick the microgel rad. In terms of feel, ive only played with the LM rad, and it feels alright.


New User
It's been quite a while since I used a LM, but I remember finding it a nice racquet. I am, however, in love with my Microgel. The LM is probably somewhat stiffer, more similar to the Intelligence that came before, but they are overall comparable raquets. As always, I'd go with "demo".

I think the microgel is the better racquet. Seeing as, with the youtek out, it goes for around 100€, it's probably the best pick.


yah the radical is actually 95 inches. i compared it to my friends k95. it feels like his k 95 has more power but because its heavier