Head Prestige Classic, Head Classic, Head Classic Tour


New User
A friend of mine told me that they were identical, just with different names becasue of the copyright of"Prestige" brand. Dose anyone know the story behind it? I also saw from some online reviews that Head classic or clssic tour are more flexible than the PC 600. Does anyone know the difference among those Head racquets?

TW website also quotes that "the racquet specs remained unchanged".


I think there's a lot of threads on this topic already. I am too lazy too do a search to help you out but if you go to the advanced search option. You should be able to pull up some threads. From what I know, which is limited, I believe the Prestige classic was the European name. The Trysis 300 was the USA. The Head classic is the same racquet as those too except it doesn't come with some vibrational system in the handle. Like I said though do a search and you'll probably come up with some threads with people that probably own and have played with all these racquets. I just got a head classic last week. Still trying to figure out if I like it or not. Leaning towards getting rid of it right now. Here's one thread that just popped up last week too.



Prestige TOUR has 'Suspension Grip' handle (plastic that tends to make noise and even break). Available in Midsize (600 sq. cm) and Midplus (660 sq. cm.).

Prestige Classic, Prestige Classic 600, Trisys 300, Classic Mid are the same frames - no Suspension Grip handle.

The name 'Prestige' was owned by Wilson in North America for a couple of years 5 or 6 years ago - that is the only reason why some of the racquets intended for the North American market were Classic Mids instead of Prestige Classic Mids.


I have the PC600 and the Classic Mid. They are very similar yes, but they are definitely different. The PC600 has a larger and sweeter sweetspot. Also a different balance slightly


All variables (string, tension, age and condition of racquets, etc.) being equal, any difference between the Prestige Classic and the Classic Mid will be the same as any difference between 2 Prestige Classics, or 2 Classic Mids would be.


There are at least three different variances of PC 600 from all the production batches.

The stiffest, bulkiest, and heaviest is the "made in Austria" with bar code label on side beam, darker color at upper hoop. The weight unstrung varies from 326 gram to 336 gram, and from 340 gram to 350 gram strung. The later one has lighter one tone candy red color, while the earliest one has almost 2-tone black/amber red color.

The classic mid and TW version have similar weight with the earlier one, but it feels noticably different during the swing (lighter & less stable), and ball impact.


I have four older Prestige Classic 600 Made-in-Austria frames and their strung weights varried from 12.2 to 12.4 ounces. Interestingly enough, the heaviest was one without a barcode and with the newer font but still with 600. But there's been such a variance in specs of these frames that just a few frames couldn't say anything for sure. The most new PC's were around 12.1 ounces strung. The TW demo from the last batch that I measured was 12.0 ounces.


Hi Prestige Classic, the bar code most likely already peeled.

Among my frames, the "made in Austria" above the handle with new font on "600" is heavier if no "see barcode label inside", and the color is two tone (almost black at upper hoop).


Hey there Alex - I meant to say that I have three older PC600's with "Made in Austria" on the side and one PC600 with "Made in Austria" on the neck, and no "see barcode label inside." Though that one was the heaviest (12.4 ounces), its flex is only 61RA unstrung, a good 2-4 points below the stiffer frames, which happen to be the even earlier ones and those frames that are made for sponsored people.

It sounds like you also have such a new-font frame that I believe was a European-issue and that yours is also relatively heavy. But in your earlier post you mentioned that the beefiest frames were those with the barcode label on the side.


Most people only mention the PC600 when they discuss the Classic Tour but does anyone have the vaguest idea how the Tour compares to the Head Prestige Pro (one of the original Prestige frames, about circa 1987, with Twaron and vibration control system, made in Austria, weight 12.5/12.6 ounces)?

If it happens to be a bit more flexible Id still be interested as my frames have become very fatigued (they are 18 years old) and play quite a lot softer than they did originally.


AndrewD said:
Most people only mention the PC600 when they discuss the Classic Tour but does anyone have the vaguest idea how the Tour compares to the Head Prestige Pro (one of the original Prestige frames, about circa 1987, with Twaron and vibration control system, made in Austria, weight 12.5/12.6 ounces)?

If it happens to be a bit more flexible Id still be interested as my frames have become very fatigued (they are 18 years old) and play quite a lot softer than they did originally.

AndrewD, one of my brown prestige pro weight 350 gram strung (with "AMF Head" on buttcap) feels more "mass" on impact than my classic mid. I can't describe it, but all I can say is "more solid and stable". In comparison with PC600, both frames has different strings, so I have to wait until both strung at the same string.


HI PRestigeclassic, I got your new e-mail address.

I have to be more detail on my previous postings.

Among my PC600 frames, The "made in Austria" (either above handle or side beam) has the heaviest frame at 350 gram strung among the range of 340gram-350 gram. None of my classic mid, TW version, european PC600 (designed in AUstria, new font letters, L7, darker red frame, dark brown buttcap) has 350 gram in weight among the range of 338-344 gram.

But the weight is one thing, because I also feel the difference.

The 350 gram "made in Austria" version (with bar code sticker on side beam) gives me pain in wrist if I misshit on hard service return. It definitely stiffer than the others.



That 'mass on impact' feel is the thing Ive found almost impossible to replace. Adding weight to a racquet just doesn't achieve the same result. It seems to have something to do with the way the frame is constructed - my first real racquet was the original 200G which also had that 'mass on impact' feel.

Just in case you're interested, the closest thing Ive been able to find is the HM200G. Put aside the specs for a moment and it plays with a similar heft to the Prestige Pro. A sharper 'feel' off the strings but that can be dulled down. Pretty much the same spin levels but the same sting on slice approach shots. A touch more head light and a lower swingweight but in fixing one you can fix the other.

Made the mistake of going with the POG mid but will give the 200G a try to see if it might work out.


Hall of Fame
The prestige classic mid and classic mid are the same racket and play very similar. I'm not sure where both are made as both say "designed in Austria" right above handle..



tandayu said:
HI PRestigeclassic, I got your new e-mail address.

I have to be more detail on my previous postings.

Among my PC600 frames, The "made in Austria" (either above handle or side beam) has the heaviest frame at 350 gram strung among the range of 340gram-350 gram. None of my classic mid, TW version, european PC600 (designed in AUstria, new font letters, L7, darker red frame, dark brown buttcap) has 350 gram in weight among the range of 338-344 gram.

But the weight is one thing, because I also feel the difference.

The 350 gram "made in Austria" version (with bar code sticker on side beam) gives me pain in wrist if I misshit on hard service return. It definitely stiffer than the others.

From my limited experience, I can confirm the mass difference between those PC's. Also, you are right in that those older models are stiffer. I am tooling around with one older frame that is still 64-65RA unstrung. Slightly stiffer than the newer models. Coincidentally, pros' PC's are typically also right around 65RA unstrung. That's not to say that Head is using the old molds. The molds are different, and Head's current PC mold seems the same as the later marketed PC's. I wish I could say more, but four used frames don't tell much as Head has always had much variance in their own right.


AndrewD, "mass on impact" is missing on classic mid and the "non Austrian" version of Pc600. Actually my brown PP has the cheapest nylon string now.

I got several used Austrian PC600 from Singapore, German, DUbai, and USA. My search continue to find this becoming rare pedigree.

I will try the HM200g, and also POG mid.


PrestigeClassic said:
From my limited experience, I can confirm the mass difference between those PC's. .

You are humble my friend. Head needs people like you in their company to produce quality frames.