Head Prestige Midplus vs Prestige Pro


New User
Good morning everyone. I had a question about the Prestige Midplus vs the Prestige Pro. I did a search on "prestige" and couldn't find a comparison of these 2 racquets, so I apologize if it was already done. Anyways, I playtested 3 racquets yesterday. I'm looking to move on from my estusa power beam. I tried the Babolat Pure Storm, which I didn't care for, the new Prince Graphite, which was pretty good, and the Prestige midplus, which I really really liked. I served awesome with it, and the groundies were great. Plus, it still had a similiar feel of my Estusa, but with more power, plus I had a decent amount of control. I'm asking for this comparison because all of the raquests I've ever owned had an open string patter, because I like to generate a decent amount of topspin, and the midplus has a closed string pattern. Do they feel similiar? Is the control the same? Etc. Thanks
Ive always played with open pattern racquets myself and when I demo'd the MP and Pro I discovered that I could produce about the same amount of topspin with both. The Pro didn't feel quite as solid to me and had a bit more power, but it was not a bad stick. I ended up going with the MP and haven't looked back, I really love everything about it. That being said, you should demo both of them side by side to see which you prefer


Did you find a big difference in serve between the two. IMO the Pro served great - very powerful and controlled, great kick. I haven't been able to demo the MP yet. How about Balance and weight of the two? I know the specs are almost identical but did one feel heavier or lighter? Easier to swing?
BC1... Both are very good serving sticks. I can generate plenty of pace with nice placement using the MP. While the specs of the MP and Pro are pretty close the MP swings alot easier than the Pro, in my hands at least. The MP demos I had were more HL than the Pro demos, and the weight distribution also seemed different. To me the MP feels as if most of the mass is centered in the throat area, just above the handle. The Pro seemed like its mass was distributed at opposite ends (I believe some call this a 'polarized' setup). If you like the Pro then the MP is definitely worth a demo, and vice versa, just to confirm which you prefer because they do have differences other than the obvious string pattern

forgot to add.. If you get timid, lazy, etc on your second serve this racquet will make you pay
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isuckattennis, Thanks - that helps a lot.

Would like to hear from others as well.


Hall of Fame
I use the YT prestige MP but I tried the pro and mid. The pro is a bit more forgiving and more powerful. The weighting is also slightly different. It already has the leather grip and is less HL. Like "i suck" stated the MP frame makes you play. Its nice for matches but it sometimes gets tiring having to swing so hard even in casual rallies. Tiring but it enforces good mechanics. I wouldn't advise the racquet for anyone under a solid 4.0 level.

The big difference is obviously the string pattern. I think thats what you should decide on. I have an aggressive baseliner style and I was getting too much spin with the pro. I just felt more versatile and comfortable with the closed pattern so thats the route I took. Just felt more natural with my mechanics. I also liked the additional 1pt HL balance and the slight weight increase. The MP doesn't have the leathergrip so it leaves more room for customizing without silicone / lead in handle.

Both are great for serving.