Head Radical Lineage


New User
I'm looking for a new racquet, and I'm wondering which racquet in Head's line up most matches my Head TiRadical? My two favorite racquets I ever had were the Head TwinTube Radical, and then I went to the TiRadical.

I used my Ti for a few years, and then I stopped playing tennis until about a year ago. Now I'm back into it, playing 3 times a week (or there about) and am looking to start demoing some racquets.

just wondering if all the Head racquets with Radical in the name (LiquidMetal Radical, Youtek Radical, etc) share the same lineage as the other Radicals I've played?



From the LM to MG radical line, you'll notice an increased heft and more comfortable feel compared to the Ti.Rads. I've used the Ti.Rads OS from 1998 - 2004 and decided I needed more power- which comes from a heavier racquet. Also accompanying the power was control, stability on off center shots, and overall comfortable feeling when striking the ball. The LM Rads MP did satisfy this need for 2 yrs. In my opinion, you'll lose out on some speed due to the Ti.Rads being lighter, but other pluses are on your side with the heavier line. Personally I liked the LM, FXP and MG Rad MP (my pops uses that line).