Head Radical Progression

mike morris

New User
I'm rated 4.5 but left tennis for about 8 years. I went from the Head Elite Pro to the Ti Radical (loved it), LM Radical (too muted), and finally the flexpoint (liked it). I briefly started playing again a few years ago and found the new graphene radicals too stiff. I promptly hurt my wrist and didn't play for another year. I then strung up my old flexpoints (1 was still in good shape) but a combination of sucking and not having anybody good to play against made me think I needed something with more power. I recently bought the new Graphene Speed 360 after using a friends. The specs showed that it was a little softer than the new radicals and I thought the more open string pattern would help me to generate the level of spin that I was used to but didn't seem to be able to hit without framing the shot. It was working pretty well with 16g string but as I got better I didn't feel that I could hit the touch volleys, angles and kick serves that are a big part of my game. Now that i'm playing close to 4.5 tennis again I don't think that the racquet is right for my style of play so I restrung my best flexpoint (I still have my own machine) with 17 gauge NRG at 53 pounds thinking i'd give them one more shot. This morning I played great and the racquet felt natural, I hit with more spin, my slice return was biting and the touch volleys went in (mostly). While I made plenty of errors I didn't feel that any of them were a result of the racquet not doing what I expected. So, my question is: What came after the Flexpoint, the Youtek or the Microgel? And did anybody go through the same progression of Radicals and what was your opinion of the Youtek and/or Microgel? I have no issue generating my own power or spin. I will likely switch to one of those if I can find them new. I see that TW has the microgel for $89; which is appealing. Sorry for the long post.


The last great Radical iteration was the IG Radical...you can’t go wrong with any of the iterations that came before it, but I know that the Microgel Radical was the softest. Just keep in mind that the Microgel Radicals that TW are selling are stiffer than the old production ones.

mike morris

New User
The last great Radical iteration was the IG Radical...you can’t go wrong with any of the iterations that came before it, but I know that the Microgel Radical was the softest. Just keep in mind that the Microgel Radicals that TW are selling are stiffer than the old production ones.
Thanks for the info. TW lists the stiffness for it around 63; which I thought was high for the MG. Now I know why.


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New User
To answer the first question: after the Flexpoints came Microgel, then Youtek, then Youtek IG (then Graphene and its multiple iterations).

For the second part, I did use Radicals for a time but keep in mind I used the Tour/Pro versions where applicable as I like heavier rackets. From my experience, I loved the Flexpoint (Tour version) and Microgel (Pro version). I didn't think there was too much difference between the two, the MG was more solid/stiff, but they hit pretty similar. In fact I think of the MG Rad Pro as one of my favorite rackets. When the Youteks came I didn't like it. The Pro version felt bulky with a strange head heaviness even though the specs didn't indicate as such IIRC. The IG was better and pretty popular, but too light for me. I put on some lead tape for a while but at that point just eventually moved to the IG Prestige Pro (wonderful racket if you can generate your own power). But to me Youtek is when they stopped feeling like the older Radicals (like the Ti.Radical from what I remember of it).

I haven't used the Graphenes much aside from a few demo sessions but would agree that they are stiffer and IMO don't have the same feel as the older Radicals. I'd say you are better off looking for a used older Radical than the current Graphene Radicals.


I must have missed the IG Radical completely during my long walk in the woods away from tennis. I'll check it out. Thanks.

I was on the same boat till about 1 year ago. I was hitting with the Blade 98 (which I absolutely love) and wanted something different. Tried about 30-40 different rackets and the IGRMP and IGRPro are some of the best, at least for my game style.
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The last real Radical was IG. "Radicals" have nothing similar with real Radical starting from G.
And it's still possible to find nos IG or YT and MG is available here.