thanks for sharing such awesome detailed report! Goodjob on getting those specs so close.
Ive also tried other heavier frames. I like the plow through and feel of heavier frames alot. the speed mp feels really light now and I dont need it to be so light, but the 100 inch and 16x19 I really like.
I asked my coach for customization tips and he recommended something I didnt expect: add 10gr total. at 3 and 9 for plow through and stability. He says probaly too much but otherwise you wont notice it. Will take half off if its too tiresome. I found it interesting to read about your swingweight. I want to get mine up to 330, 340 max.
10g seems like a lot at 3 and 9, Swingweight will be through the roof, no?
I tweaked mine a bit before my last session. Attention, I now measured the stick with overgrip and dampener, as this is what I am actually holding in my hand in the end.
So I took some new measurements of what I had with the last configuration (330g, 320mm, 321.17 SW, 13.38 TW) now with OG and dampener:
Weights added: 8g in handle (buttcap), 1.25g evenly distributed to 3 and 9
Weight: 339.4g
Balance: 315mm
Swingweight: 323.51
Twistweight: 13.51
For reference, my Blade V8 98 16x19 with OG and dampener measured like this:
Weight: 339.4g
Balance: 315mm
Swingweight: 323.72
Twistweight: 12.55
Now I added some more weight (1g to 12, 0.75 additional to 3 and 9), new results see below:
Weights added: 8g in handle (buttcap) / 2g evenly distributed to 3 and 9 / 1g on 12
Weight: 341.4g
Balance: 317mm
Swingweight: 328.37
Twistweight: 13.55
It was nice to play with, but I did have some issue controlling it. Especially on high balls with my forehand topspin I used to be able to swing "all out" with my Blade, those balls are now flying directly to the fence. And after a 2 hour session (1hr singles, 1hr doubles) my arm felt tired.
I also noticed during doubles, that I could not control my volleys as well, as I was a bit late on the ball to create the angles I wanted. The racket was very stables through the volleys, but they mostly sailed back to the baseline player.
I have 2 things (well actually 3) I want to try:
1) String with Hyper-G 1.20mm. I play 1.15mm on my Blade, but I have the feeling that I could profit from a bit of a thicker String on the more open stringbed on the 100sq2 Speed MP.
2) remove the 1g at 12 to see if I still get the plow through but get a bit more maneuverability at the net
3) try the Speed Pro. My specs are now higher than the Speed pro (weight, SW), and as I am loosing too much control (my current feeling), the 18x20 could help. But maybe I am then just back at probably similar pro/con as with my Blades, so I might just stick with them. As I don't really want to buy another stick (Speed Pro) just to test it out.
No idea yet what I will do, will definitely try 1) for the next session, then we will see. Maybe I will add some weight on my Blades at 3 and 9 to get the TW up, I feel like I profit from that quite a lot.