Hall of Fame
When I was younger, my history of growing up in New Orleans and playing marathon 5 setters against my twin brother gave me tremendous endurance and usually a significant competitive advantage in the summer heat. It seems that as I push further north of 50, I no longer have this advantage. The first real wave of heat just hit the southeast US, and I was drained after the first 60 minutes.
I do think my heat tolerance will improve somewhat after I've had a chance to play in the heat a few times, and perhaps even more if I do my mountain biking closer to the heat of the day. (I prefer cooler mornings and evenings.) I can also do a better job with the electrolytes and possibly blood sugar, though my hydration has already been very good. But I doubt it will ever return to what it was in my 40s.
Other challenges of the summer heat are the speed of the courts, lower resistance on the ball, and the propensity for my slice BHs and flat FHs to sail long when I attempt any pace at all. I love the slower, winter courts when I can smack the ball hard and it lands deep in the court rather than sailing long.
So, what are y'all's experiences with aging and heat tolerance? Other challenges of hot weather?
I do think my heat tolerance will improve somewhat after I've had a chance to play in the heat a few times, and perhaps even more if I do my mountain biking closer to the heat of the day. (I prefer cooler mornings and evenings.) I can also do a better job with the electrolytes and possibly blood sugar, though my hydration has already been very good. But I doubt it will ever return to what it was in my 40s.
Other challenges of the summer heat are the speed of the courts, lower resistance on the ball, and the propensity for my slice BHs and flat FHs to sail long when I attempt any pace at all. I love the slower, winter courts when I can smack the ball hard and it lands deep in the court rather than sailing long.
So, what are y'all's experiences with aging and heat tolerance? Other challenges of hot weather?