Help/Advice Needed: Lead tape on Prince EXO3 Tour 100 18x20?

I just got my brand new Prince EXO3 Tour 100 (18x20 string pattern) this week and based on playing it, it upper half of the racket feels a bit unstable.

I was thinking of adding lead tape (3 g) on the 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock positions on the racket. However, does covering up the holes on the side defeat the purpose of these holes (and its technology)?

Any advice from players who have tried the Prince EXO3 Tour 100 (18x20) on where I should place the lead tapes and if it'll affect the holes or not will be much appreciated.




there is plenty of space for lead without covering up the holes.

Just put lead closer to the edges of the frame.

like this:

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there is plenty of space for lead without covering up the holes.

Just put lead closer to the edges of the frame.

like this:


But then that would require me to put 2 lead tapes on both sides right? For a total of 4 lead tapes?


Hall of Fame
I cut 1/4inch lead tape in half...with an exacto knife... resulting in 1/8in. lead tape and applied it directly to my string-hole inserts at 3 & 9, just doubled it up... made some weighted inserts basically.

At 12, I just popped it in under the bumper.

Even 1/4in. lead tape won't cover-up the holes... they just lay down and cover the side walls of the ports a bit. So you'll have uniform coverage and when the tape meets up with the port-hole, it'll just fold into the side wall. Just make sure to apply with minimal pulling force.. so theres is some slack to rest down into the hole... then take a pen end and go over the tape resting on the inner wall of the port-hole to ensure it sticks the wall.
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Power Player

Bionic Poster
Anton..when did you switch? Its funny because I just tried this stick out and really loved it since I have tendinitis to battle, and love the APDgts..which I think you were using. does that 4 grams work for you..I was thinking of trying 2 or 4 grams at 12..the demo I have weighs 11.5 with damp and OG...I figured 4 grams would just boost it to around 330.


Anton..when did you switch? Its funny because I just tried this stick out and really loved it since I have tendinitis to battle, and love the APDgts..which I think you were using. does that 4 grams work for you..I was thinking of trying 2 or 4 grams at 12..the demo I have weighs 11.5 with damp and OG...I figured 4 grams would just boost it to around 330.

Switched about 2 months ago.

Hated the Tour first time I hit with it, but with some lead on top of the loop it really becomes much more substantial and I was really impressed with the control.

Compared to the APDgt I feel like I can do all the same things (like big loop reverse forehands) but get a much finer gas pedal - a really good blend between APDgt and the Rebel that I also played with for about a year. If I want my shot short it goes short, if I want it deep it goes deep. With APDgt I didn't have this confidence of range and noticed myself pulling my punches during pressure points out of fear of ball going long.

Serve is the only exception maybe, I can't serve bombs with this frame like I could with leaded up APDgt, though maybe it's just a matter of time and getting really used to the frame.

I suggest starting adding lead on this frame more around 10 and 2 - because it needs more torsional stability and more consistent top of the loop.
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Legend does that 4 grams work for you..I was thinking of trying 2 or 4 grams at 12..the demo I have weighs 11.5 with damp and OG...I figured 4 grams would just boost it to around 330.

Does your demo have green poly on it? 11.5 seems about 0.3oz lighter then normal specs with OG and damp.

The demo I orginally got from TW seemed like it was considerably lighter and much more unstable compared to the three frames I now own (which are pretty close in specs). The lead setup I used on it spanned the entire top of the loop (about 8-9g).
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Power Player

Bionic Poster
No it was natural gut which I broke in probably 50 minutes.

I experienced the same things..guy I hit with said I was swinging more freely with the EXO (I was switching the APD in to compare).

For me I need spin and consistency on serve more than power right now..I was getting crushed with double faults, which is my fault, but more spin could help me with that.


Semi-Pro does that 4 grams work for you..I was thinking of trying 2 or 4 grams at 12..the demo I have weighs 11.5 with damp and OG...I figured 4 grams would just boost it to around 330.

my 16 x 18 strung with 17g gut/poly is 333 with no weight added. (all 3 of them) I would think the 18 x 20 would have to be at least the same weight if not slightly more due to a little more string. I guess OG is pretty light though.

Power Player

Bionic Poster
Yeah it must be the strings..have a demo with a multi in it that weighs 11.7 after 4 grams of lead. It would probably be 11.8 with poly in it.


New User
I am experimenting with the most recent version of the Prince Tour 100 and find it a bit unstable in the upper hoop.
Having done some searches on this forum, I get the impression that there seems to be some agreement that the older exo3 tour needed lead to increase stability in the upper hoop while any instability problems have been fixed with the newer tour 100.
-Anyone else but me experience instability in the upper hoop with the newer tour 100?
-I am going to lead it, starting with 10 and 2, but would also be curious to hear other people's experience in case you have put lead on this frame?