Help identifying a Volkl racket


New User
I'm trying to identify a friend's Volkl racket. It reads Aggressor Tour on the side but cannot find this model in any database. Colors are similar to Quantum and some old 8 Tour models but not the same. 16x18 300g does not specify head size. It also reads 70cm which leads me to think it's extended length... pictures below. Any help is welcome.



IIRC Volkl did release the Volkl Tour 8 mold under different names.
I'm wondering if that Aggressor of yours didn't come out around the time with Tour Scorcher and Tour Contender... around 2010?


This was the re-issue of Tour 8. It was quite a few years after the original, and was only in Europe. There was also a frame with a Blue accept on top (== Tour 6).