help me overthink my future hdx/velocity hybrid tensions


The org V1s aren't going anywhere ... there will be no BBP racquet quest. I am string curious ... not racquet curious. V3 + stringer + ball machine = hobby.
Just followed liftordie's post to your older post. If you want to expand your string curiosity, you could try to notice which string color feels best in your V1s and go on safari trying that color for each string that it's available in..


Just followed liftordie's post to your older post. If you want to expand your string curiosity, you could try to notice which string color feels best in your V1s and go on safari trying that color for each string that it's available in..

Trying to break this addiction. ;) Pretty much back to fb velocity until winter hibernation. Next spring will start with fb v and o/v and decide which one for matches.