Help me replace my N 6.1 95 Quick !!!!!!!


Okay, so I have been playing with the n 6.1 95 16*18 for around 4 months now and have really gotten used to it. I have never served so hard or volleyed so well. Groundies are pretty good too and I love the spin potential. But the feel is just a little too harsh at times, and my arm has strarted too hurt a lot, even though it has felt fine for 6 years nearly. Also, I find myself laboring over the weight in long matches. I need something a bit lighter and lower swingweight, and perhaps a bit more comfortable. Here is what I have in mind, your opinions are welcome:
Volkl Tour 10 Gen 2
Dunlop M Fil 200 Plus 2006
Volkl DNX 9
Yonex Ti 80 and RDS 001 Midplus
Wilson N Tour 2
I generally string w ALU power mains and tnt or gut crosses if that helps.
I am a 4.5 player, heavy western forehand, two hand bh


Go to a Semi Western Forehand and take some Advil

You may be in trouble if this racquet hurts your arm. Seems very easy on the arm to me. I do like your string choice.

In all seriousness a "Heavy Western" grip cant be good for arm lonbg term.


O3 Tour midplus

I have used the nSix-One 95 for a long time and I am going to switch to the O3 Tour midplus. I have used the O3 Tour for a couple weeks and I am happy with the switch. With the O3 I feel that I have the same control and more power. Also it seems to be easy on the arm.


If it's the weight that's bothering you, see if you can get your hands on the Asian version, much lighter, 310g unstrung.

Otherwise, lower the tension or change strings.

Alu is a killer on the elbow for some people. Try a multi ?

Good luck.


if you have arm problems and want to stick w/ a 16 main pattern, i'd give the volkl tour 10 gen II or the 03 tour midsize a shot.


How about the n6.1 Team (aka nPS 95)?

I tried it for a long while, but though it was a bit too light for me liking, it was honestly an incredibly great stick. Quite similar to the n6.1 95, great spin for the 18x20 pattern and flat shots came extremely natural.


If you want a cheap replacement that can cover for a bit of time while you choose your next racquet, get the LM radical.

I used the ncode 6.1 95 for a good period of time then switched back to the Radical and couldnt be happier.


DADYO said:
How about the n6.1 Team (aka nPS 95)?

I tried it for a long while, but though it was a bit too light for me liking, it was honestly an incredibly great stick. Quite similar to the n6.1 95, great spin for the 18x20 pattern and flat shots came extremely natural.

the n6.1 team and the nPS 95 are two different rackets.


New User
jdub486 said:
Okay, so I have been playing with the n 6.1 95 16*18 for around 4 months now and have really gotten used to it. I have never served so hard or volleyed so well. Groundies are pretty good too and I love the spin potential. But the feel is just a little too harsh at times, and my arm has strarted too hurt a lot, even though it has felt fine for 6 years nearly. Also, I find myself laboring over the weight in long matches. I need something a bit lighter and lower swingweight, and perhaps a bit more comfortable. Here is what I have in mind, your opinions are welcome:
Volkl Tour 10 Gen 2
Dunlop M Fil 200 Plus 2006
Volkl DNX 9
Yonex Ti 80 and RDS 001 Midplus
Wilson N Tour 2
I generally string w ALU power mains and tnt or gut crosses if that helps.
I am a 4.5 player, heavy western forehand, two hand bh

It is interesting that I had exactly same problem with you last year. I am 4.5, semiwestern fh, ohbh. I was using nSix-One95 16x18 for about 9 month, with alu power 60 main and cross. In the beginning I was very happy. I liked the feeling of the racquet. My stroke and service was stronger with good control. I could win whom I could not before. Then I began to have sholder and arm pain. Racquet was felt heavy after long match. I even switched to natural gut with no improvement. I tried multiple other alternative racquet and ended to my daughter's Babolat PDT standard. My shoulder and arm pain disappeared completly. It took a while to adjust to PDT. In the beginning ball was flying all over. Eventually I used Signum Pro Poly plasma at 63lb with very satisfactory results. You can try it too.


New User

I had the exact same problem with the n61 and after demoing about 20 racquets or so finally settled on the Fischer Pro Tour. Couldn't be happier - the racquet has great feel and is very arm-friendly. Good luck.


Hall of Fame
That's weird. I find the nCode six-one racquets (95 and 90) pretty comfortable since the feeling off the strings is muted.


Hall of Fame
i completely agree w/ everyone that has gotten arm problems from the n6.1 16x18. i got horrible tennis elbow from it. i didnt switch racquets (yet), but i have to take several precautions before playing and cant play as long as i'd like w/ the racquet just because of fear of hurting my arm again. even though i love the racquet leave the pain, i'm still going to my local tennis shop this weekend to find another racquet that wont kill my arm. the rds 001 has been tossed around a couple times, so i say demo that first and go from there.


Incredible that some think this racquet is hurting their

arm. Must be the strings. Easiest thing on the arm I have felt.


Hall of Fame
n6.1 16x18 giving elbow problems?! No way! Its specs look ideal for anyone who wants to avoid TE, although its SW is getting up there though maybe not enough to cause shoulder pain to most people. You guys may not want to admit it but you may have to seriously look at your strokes.

If your arms are simply getting fatigued prematurely, simply do exercises to strengthen your arms.


It must be the strokes and the string. ALU is one of the harshest strings known to man. At least you didn't go Ti-Mo or Kevlar.

I don't use gut, but that might be the way to go in both the mains and crosses or some other string that's known to be soft.

What's a heavy western? Just a full western?


Hall of Fame
its not stroke problems, at least not for me. i played w/ literally no pain or discomfort w/ a much lighter n5.


if your arm hurt, it will be the same if you change your racket. Try a softer string and do some weighting will help. I get the same problem before. Also warm up slowly before hitting hard


Hall of Fame
Man, I'd ditch the fully western grip, also. It's crappy stroke mechanics and limits your ability to hit groundstrokes, most notably low shots. There's too much locomotion going through the elbow and not enough shoulder and arm involvement.


Hall of Fame
i completely agree w/ kabob. the pros of a full western grip dont outweigh the physical cons. have u ever had a different forehand grip? if so, did u ever experience pain? if not, did u ever use your western grip on another racquet and not experience pain?


Try the Donnay Rusedski Pro if you can find one. It has similar playability in a slightly lighter, more maneuverable package.


When I played with my nTour, it was very nice to my arm. I am guessing the nTour 2 is similar in that aspect.