HELP: Securing buttcap after shaving down grip


New User
I recently shaved down the grips on my blx6.1 tours. The stock 4 3/8 size was too big so I shaved it down to about 1/4. Here is my problem, after taking the pins out of the buttcap (in order to remove the buttcap), it's hard to re-secure the buttcap. The original staples are no longer useful because they are now bent, which was due to prying the staples out of the grip.

I even tried a staple gun from homedepot. The problem with the staple gun is that the staples aren't thick/strong enough to penetrate the thickness of the the staples just fray without going through the buttcap and into the handle.

Any thoughts?
I would suggest you buy 1/4 butts and secure them with superglue. Its nonreversible but that is also a quality. Even better is some sort of component glue (called Araldit here), you could do that as well with the 3/8's.


New User
Might want to try "pin nails" , I find they hold really well and lay flat
On the butcap. Also what size butcap are you going to use 3/8....1/4?


Talk Tennis Guru
One of my K88s buttcaps came off while playing last year - I found out that the buttcap wasn't stapled on - (Wilson QC). I used a short and thin nail to re-secure it. You could also use a brad.

BTW, in your case, I'd get a smaller buttcap and use a nail or brad to put it in. I don't own a staple-gun. You might see if you can find a broken racquet that you could salvage for spare parts or maybe find a Wilson at a used sporting goods store.


you need to get a 4 1/4 buttcap then just super glue it. super glue will hold it and hold it well. and you can still get it off if you need to. you just got to stick a screwdriver between the buttcap and the handle and break the glue bond up. takes some time but you can do it.

your 4 3/8 buttcap won't glue on now because the gap is to big. don't even try to use that or you will just make things worse. if you use that old butt cap end you will up with a loose squeaky buttcap and it will drive you nuts. trust me I know.
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The five minute epoxy that golf shops use to secure the golf heads to the shafts works especially well. They will not come off until you want them to and it just takes a heat gun or a hair dryer to remove them. I've used the epoxy on butt caps for over a decade and not one ever came loose.

It is a very thick mixture and can fill up the space from a 4 1/4 pallet and a 4 3/8 butt cap though like the gentlemen above I would go with a 4 1/4 butt cap if possible.


What kind of a staple gun are you using? If you are using just one of those manual chrome type guns, no the staples aren't going to be strong enough. I use a Dewalt air powered gun with short heavy staples and it works very well, just like a factory job.



New User
Thanks for all the replies. I do believe I have to get 4 1/4 buttcaps at this point. While waiting for replies I actually just put the buttcap on with no glue or staples. I tightened the wrap on the main grip and tightened the overgrip even more. I hit last night for 2 hours and it actually stayed on. Of course it's not a permanent solution but I didn't want to go the route of an air gun. I just have a manual staple gun from my home improvement projects...certainly not powerful enough to get through the buttcap. Here's a clip of me from last night...can't wait for the USTA season:

I'm trying to come back from a shoulder injury from February

USTA 4.5 (Jacksonville, Florida)
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Steve Huff

A manual staple gun should be fine. I use one to replace butt caps all the time. The only frames they don't work on are the ones with no plastic or wood fiber in the handles (like a PK 5). You might have to tap the staple down a little with a small hammer, but it should work fine.