HELP! String Recommendation for Breaker?


New User
Have a high school student who is a frequent string breaker. Currently using Stamina Spin 15L. He gets about 18 hours on each package. He wants to try a poly but is very price sensitive. Can you recommend the best playing, soft poly in the $4-$6 range? Is there another nylon string I should consider? We have tried aramids/technora/kevlar and blends and they all hurt his arm.


if your looking for a poly thats durable then maybe you should look at Luxilon Super Poly? Ive never used it before but its supposed to be really durable and is only 5 bucks. Again i have NEVER used it so dont go on my word alone.

Hope this helps


I would first of all try Stamina regular becuase stamina spin 15L has about as much durability as the Stamina 17 regular.
Poly Polar is cheap but it loses tension VERY quickly. A better alternative, IMO, may be Tecnifibre PolySpin at $4. I have not tried the low end Lux poly.
Christian, Your comments about Stamina Spin 15L being less durable that regular Stamina were interesting. Why do you think Spin is less durable?

Jerry Seinfeld

The Poly Polar is a poly that can actually be pre-stretched. A good pre-stretching will help reduce much of the initial tension loss. If your stringer is using a constant pull machine, ask him/her to hold the pull longer than normal before clamping off. This will also aid in reducing the initial tension loss.

I've not tried the Tecnifibre string that Match-Point suggested, but that may be an even better alternative.

Gaines Hillix

Hall of Fame
Rab Monoflex is a soft, reasonably priced poly and as Jerry suggested, prestretching can help set the string so it doesn't loose so much initial tension. Pacific Poly Soft is another one worth trying.