

New User
Hey group, I just wanted some advice. I'm 19, I started playing competitive tennis at 13 and played everyday until I turned 18. I've kind of taken some time away to help assess where I'm going with tennis. I wanted to play college, but I realized I want to be a college professor and one day Dean of my university. I know it'll take a while but I've been in school longer than I have been playing tennis. I do not want to just throw in the towel, because I put a lot of time into tennis and there is nothing than sweeter than putting away a volley for a winner or serving an ace right up the T. I was a 5.0 probably a 4.5 since my hiatus, and I want to compete in Men's open tournaments. Let me know what you guys think.


P.S. A double bounce must be called by the player, not the opponent.


ur posting in the wrong section...
this is for asking the ppl @ Tennis warehouse about products...
or reporting a product fault/delivery mistake etc etc....


Crave said:
Hey group, I just wanted some advice. I'm 19, I started playing competitive tennis at 13 and played everyday until I turned 18. I've kind of taken some time away to help assess where I'm going with tennis. I wanted to play college, but I realized I want to be a college professor and one day Dean of my university. I know it'll take a while but I've been in school longer than I have been playing tennis. I do not want to just throw in the towel, because I put a lot of time into tennis and there is nothing than sweeter than putting away a volley for a winner or serving an ace right up the T. I was a 5.0 probably a 4.5 since my hiatus, and I want to compete in Men's open tournaments. Let me know what you guys think.


P.S. A double bounce must be called by the player, not the opponent.

Where's the dilemma? Are you having to choose between a school where you are able to play and a school that you feel is more demanding scholastically? Are you able to play at your preferred school? Why can't you play now and later worry about graduate school?

andyroddick's mojo

i'm no expert, but I think you should follow your career first, and play tennis as a hobby. Once you reach your dream job (dean), then you can concentrate more on tennis. But tennis should always be a hobby, and should be second to things like your career and family. Unless you're good enough to turn pro..