Hey guys, need to help to differentiate between APDC and KBT


New User
After much looking for a new racket, i've narrowed down to the APDC and the KBT. But i cant decide which one to buy.

For the APDC, i feel that it has quite a lot of spin and easier to manuever as it is light.

For the KBT, i feel that racket is heavy but has more 'plow-through' so maybe the APDC with its power can give me lightness and power in the same frame?

I want to hear ur views on these rackets and which one you prefered. and even if you put down one racket, please do say why. thanks a lot.

Playing style: topspin baseliner; come to the net occassionally


Hall of Fame
it sounds like the apdc is a better fit for your game. these two racquets are completely different from one another. if you want more plow through from the apdc then add a bit of lead to it.

personally, i think that the apdc is more fit for the topspin baseliner. the kbt is better suited for a more all-court/s&v style.


i play with the kbt and and from the sound of ur playing style i think you should go with the apdc. im a counterpuncher and found that i like the kbt for that since it can handle heavy hitters and give me control but lacks when going for big winners. however if you use placement to try and win points then kbt is good for that. if ur an attacking baseliner who grinds then use the apdc plus it should give you more spin than the kbt. btw sometimes using the kbt tires my arm out after long periods of play. i got a lighter racket to try out b/c of that. gl on ur choice


THose two are COMPLETELY opposite/different rackets...
How/why did you eliminate everything in the middle???


From what you've said, go with the APDC. You may want to add some lead to get added stability at the net though.


Wow, you narrowed it down to two completely different rackets. For you, the APDC will be much better, especially since you're a baseliner. As mentioned before, the KBT is more for all-court players, S&V players. If you want a little more stability try adding some lead tape to the APDC.