Part One:
Setup and First impressions.
After having seen Hi-TechTennis.com for a while now I decided to check it out for myself. I decided to try after having seen the one month trial period of $9.99. There is also a refund (limited) and a no questions asked guarantee.Part One:
Setup and First impressions.
Hi-TechTennis.com said:My 100% guarantee to you: If after a few days you decide Hi-techtennis is not for you, let me know and I'll refund your money. I am so confident that my 60 fps videos and visually detailed information will help your game that I offer a 100% money back guarantee if the site isn't right for you for any reason. Just send me an email with your username and you get a refund. No questions asked.
But I cannot help but to wonder, how long is a few days exactly? Is three a few? Is two a few or would that be a couple? If I am given a certain amount of days as a trial for the momey back no questions asked I would like to know exactly how long a few days is.
Onward with the registration. . .
After clicking the "Buy Now" button under the "One Month Trial Subscription" I am taken away to Paypal's secure login page after entering my e-mail address and typing in my pass word: *n*o*t*y*o*u*r*d*a*m*n*b*u*s*i*n*e*s*s*
I paid the amount using my personal options, your account setup will depend on how hassle free this is or not. After payment I was automatically redirected back Hi-Tech to an account setup page. Name, E-mail, Username, Password, Confirm Password fields to enter. Done. after that I was open to view the site. About this time I decided to check my e-mail. I had received the Paypal notification. No welcoming note was sent from Hi-Tech. Good? Bad? It really doesn't matter to me either way.
The promised land. . .
The site is easy to navigate. It’s not a flashy website which is fine by me. A subscriber is paying for the actual service, not flash.
I figured I would do what most of the subscribers will do, I headed straight to the forehand video section. The first thing I noticed that there were less than half the amount of videos for the female players than there were for the males. Sorry Drakulie, no Ana Ivanovic. I find that same situation with the backhand section. Back to the forehand section, I checked out one of my favorite players, Roger Fe-just kidding, it's Marat Safin. There are many highspeed clips on him, both in forehand and backhand. Safin fans will not be disappointed. I generally clicked around the males for a while before heading over to see the Women. The women section is more sparse compared to the mens. Same level quality clips. The low point is that Justine Henin is missing from the line up on both forehand and more importantly the back hand section.
Before exploring elsewhere I realized I had not clicked on Roger Federer in the forehand section, so I figured I should do that not to commit some sort of blasphemy that would throw Roger Federer fanboy zealots into some sort of rage where they would chuck their n/K90s at my head. I'm not so scared of the Nadal fanboys, it's hard to be scared of guys running in capri/highwater pants.
I was expecting to see a list of video clips to select from as I had seen with the other players; instead I was presented with an article menu for the break down of Roger Federer's Forhand. Some sections of the articles were not yet completed/posted but were listed "coming soon".
Without reveling the details of the article I will say that I found what was posted to be well thought-out and simply stated and generally easy to understand. The video presented matches what is commented on, something the USPTA videos on their website could learn from.
I gave a quick look at the serve section. Same quality videos. Many players have videos for the different serves, flat, kick, etc. AS for the section of volley videos I was disappointed there, not many videos. Most of my disappointment comes from the fact that it just pales in comparison to the rest of the sections on the website, it spoils you in places.
These are just my first impressions so far on the video library. This is not my full review. I will post my impressions on the "Instruction" part of the website soon.
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