High balls with hawaiian-western grip


I use a hawaiian grip or an extreme western grip. I improved very much my game since I started to use this grip: now my forehand has power and speed. I hit a lot of winners.
But.. when I have to hit a ball that bounces high in the middle of the court (near the box serve line), I'm not able to hit a winner. My ball has topspin, but I don't manage to give speed and pace on that balls.
It sounds strange, also because I used to hit a sure winner when I had to face that balls before adopting an extreme western grip (I used a semiwestern).
Maybe I have to change something in the swing, but I don't know what.. I see many pros changing something in their swing when hitting certain balls, but none of them use an extreme western grip.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
Buon Natale, forum!:mrgreen:
You don't need to hit nearly as much topspin on those short balls. You can pretty much just crush them flat, which doesn't require the low to high brushing motion you are probably using on them. So just hit on more of the horizontal plane and you should be good.


GrahamIsSuper said:
You don't need to hit nearly as much topspin on those short balls. You can pretty much just crush them flat, which doesn't require the low to high brushing motion you are probably using on them. So just hit on more of the horizontal plane and you should be good.

I'll add to this. By making the plane horizontal, you want to prepare with your racquet high, and follow through... THROUGH the ball. not straight up the back of it.


GrahamIsSuper said:
You don't need to hit nearly as much topspin on those short balls. You can pretty much just crush them flat, which doesn't require the low to high brushing motion you are probably using on them. So just hit on more of the horizontal plane and you should be good.

Yes, you're right, but it's almost impossible to hit flat with that grip. Maybe a clip of someone who uses a western grip would help. Which are actual professional players who use a western grip? Maybe Roddick? Tommy Haas? Where can I find videos on the internet?


diredesire said:
I'll add to this. By making the plane horizontal, you want to prepare with your racquet high, and follow through... THROUGH the ball. not straight up the back of it.

Thank you Diredesire and Graham But my difficulties come from the fact that there are very few pros that use that grip (hawaiian or extreme western), and the ones I remember don't play anymore (Berasategui, Kent Karlsson), so I have no images or clips to refer to...
I cannot imagine a swing of the forehand with that grip on short high balls..
But thanx for your help


panatta said:
Yes, you're right, but it's almost impossible to hit flat with that grip. Maybe a clip of someone who uses a western grip would help. Which are actual professional players who use a western grip? Maybe Roddick? Tommy Haas? Where can I find videos on the internet?

true, because i think i hit more flat than with spin, which doesn't please me because i wnat to hit with more spin, i guess it's because i try to hit the ball really aggressive all the time.
I hit western and can hit flat no problem. Just rotate your upper body more instead of just using your arm.

Take this image for example:

If nadal were to rotate his upper body more into the shot and keep the racquet level the same, he would hit flat. That's all you need to do. Use your upper body more instead of your arm, and your power will come from the torso's rotation instead of just the arm.

If you're hitting an actual hawaiian grip, I'd have to recommend that you just hit the ball with the other side of the face, since it'd be pretty close to an eastern and would be a grip worth using :)


GrahamIsSuper said:
I hit western and can hit flat no problem. Just rotate your upper body more instead of just using your arm.

Thank you, good advice. I will try to hit like you described. Of course I forgot to mention Nadal, too.. Do you think Nadal uses a western or a hawaiian grip? Looking at the images it seems an extreme western one...
It is definitely extreme western, i don't know of anyone hitting with an actual "hawaiian" grip. It is more of a joke than a legitimate grip.


Hall of Fame
panatta said:
Yes, you're right, but it's almost impossible to hit flat with that grip. Maybe a clip of someone who uses a western grip would help. Which are actual professional players who use a western grip? Maybe Roddick? Tommy Haas? Where can I find videos on the internet?

Ok, 2 things. 1st, it is important to have a main grip with which you feel the most comfortable, but that doesn't mean you can't change to another grip, should the need present itself. In other words, you might wan't to change to another grip just for those specific shots. 2nd, I don't know about hawaian grips, but I can tell you that, with a western, you can, easily, flatten shots; no problem, at all.


All right, maybe changing my extreme western in a semi-western grip can help hitting that balls. I'll try that.
But I gained in power and pace with my new forehand, and I think I will maintain my new extreme grip. I used a semi-western for a lot of years, I can experiment this grip a little bit more.
Thank you all