Hilarious Gaudio


Hall of Fame
Here´s the trascription of a newapaper article from BA about Gaudio´s victory yesterday.
This guy cracks me up.

Gaudio no tuvo piedad con él mismo

Fue el show del Gato. Un espectáculo que sorprendió a los espectadores de la cancha 4. Los más curiosos querían la traducción de lo que decía Gastón Gaudio en su debut en Wimbledon, contra un 4 de copas como Jean Christophe Faurel. Desde que se puso 5-0, Gaudio fue una máquina de hablar.

"¡Me tenés alquilado, hermano!" y "¿No te aburriste todavía?", le repitió al juez de línea que le cantaba los foot faults. Y el árbitro lo advirtió cuando reventó su raqueta contra el césped en el 2-4 del segundo set.

La autoflagelación fue in crescendo: "¡Dios mío! ¡Qué mal la estoy pasando!"; "No me tendrían que dejar entrar más. Es una vergüenza"; "¡Qué patético! ¡Estoy dando lástima!"; y "El pasto no es el problema. Me tiene harto el tenis".

Tuvo diálogos hilarantes. El primero, con el preparador físico Fernando Aguirre:

—Explicame a qué vengo. No entiendo por qué no me quedo en mi casa.

—Hacé la más simple.

—La más simple es irme.

El segundo, con el Ruso Heguy, el polista, en pleno partido:

—¿ debo ganar un partido para que me des bola? No me llamaste más.

—Si perdés hoy, te mato.

"No me puse a pensar en la gente, pero si en polvo hablo, acá, que me siento un novato, es peor todavía —reconoció—. Pero son cosas del momento. Ahora estoy tranquilo". ¿Habrá remake hoy?

I cant believe this guy, he is one in a million. :)


Hall of Fame
I hope he's doing therapy with a shrink or, one of these days, he's going to do something crazy...


Diego Padilla please do the translation for us non-Spanish speakers. Gracias.


Well, it isn't very clear, but thats how google would translate it:

Gaudio did not have mercy with he himself It was the show of the Cat. A spectacle that surprised the spectators of field 4. Most peculiar they wanted the translation of which Gastón Gaudio in its debut in Wimbledon said, against 4 of glasses like Jean Christophe Faurel. Ever since 5-0 was put, Gaudio was a machine to speak. “ Tenés rented to Me, brother” and “ You still did not become bored? ”, it repeated to him to the lines man that sang foot to him faults. And the referee noticed it when its racket against the turf in the 2-4 of the second Seth burst. The autoflagelación was in crescendo: “ God mine! What badly I am passing it! ”; “They would not have to let to me enter more. It is a shame”; ” What pathetic! I am giving pity! “; and “the grass is not the problem. It has tennis very to me”. It had laughing dialogues. First, with the physical preinn Fernando Aguirre: - Explicame to what I come. I do not understand so that I do not remain in my house. - For simplest. - Simplest it is to go to me. The second, with the Russian Heguy, the polista, in the heat of started off: - I must gain a party so that me DES ball? You did not call more to me. - If perdés today, I kill to you. “I did not put myself to think about people, but in dust I speak, here, that I feel like a novice, he is worse still - it recognized. But they are things of the moment. Now I am calm”. Will be remake today?


Hall of Fame
I´ll do the whole translation in a while. Im sorry for those nonspanish speakers, it will be funnier than in english..
Maybe Schmad will do a better job than me. I´ll give it a shot in a couple of hours.


Hall of Fame
I´ll do the whole translation in a while. Im sorry for those nonspanish speakers, it will be funnier than in english..
Maybe Schmad will do a better job than me. I´ll give it a shot in a couple of hours.

Double G

Gaudio did not have piety with he himself

Was the show of the Cat. A spectacle that surprised the spectators of the court 4. The most curious they wanted the translation of what said Gastón Gaudio in its début in Wimbledon, against a 4 of cups as Jean Christophe Faurel. Since it was put 5-0, Gaudio was a machine to speak.

"¡Me tenés rented, brother!" and "¿did Not bore you still?", al repeated him linesman that sang him the foot faults. And the referee notified him when he burst his racquet against the lawn in the 2-4 of the second one set.

The autoflagelación was in crescendo: "¡My God! What badly I am passing it!"; "they would Not have me that to let in more. Is a shame"; "¡how pathetic! I am arousing pity!"; and "The pasture is not the problem. Enough has me the tennis".

Had hilarious dialogues. The first one, with the physical coach Fernando Aguirre:

—You explain me why do I come. I do not understand why do not I remain in my house.

—Hacé the simplest one.

—The simplest one is to go me.

The second, with the Russian one Heguy, the polo player, in full party:

—¿ I should gain a party so that give me ball? Me did not you call more.

—If perdés today, I kill you.

"Did not I begin to think in the people, but if in dust I speak, here, that I feel a novice, is worse still —recognized—. But are things of the moment. Now I am tranquil". There will be remake today?

That is my best effort in translation.


Hall of Fame
diegaa said:
Here´s the trascription of a newapaper article from BA about Gaudio´s victory yesterday.
This guy cracks me up.

Gaudio no tuvo piedad con él mismo

Fue el show del Gato. Un espectáculo que sorprendió a los espectadores de la cancha 4. Los más curiosos querían la traducción de lo que decía Gastón Gaudio en su debut en Wimbledon, contra un 4 de copas como Jean Christophe Faurel. Desde que se puso 5-0, Gaudio fue una máquina de hablar.

"¡Me tenés alquilado, hermano!" y "¿No te aburriste todavía?", le repitió al juez de línea que le cantaba los foot faults. Y el árbitro lo advirtió cuando reventó su raqueta contra el césped en el 2-4 del segundo set.

La autoflagelación fue in crescendo: "¡Dios mío! ¡Qué mal la estoy pasando!"; "No me tendrían que dejar entrar más. Es una vergüenza"; "¡Qué patético! ¡Estoy dando lástima!"; y "El pasto no es el problema. Me tiene harto el tenis".

Tuvo diálogos hilarantes. El primero, con el preparador físico Fernando Aguirre:

—Explicame a qué vengo. No entiendo por qué no me quedo en mi casa.

—Hacé la más simple.

—La más simple es irme.

El segundo, con el Ruso Heguy, el polista, en pleno partido:

—¿ debo ganar un partido para que me des bola? No me llamaste más.

—Si perdés hoy, te mato.

"No me puse a pensar en la gente, pero si en polvo hablo, acá, que me siento un novato, es peor todavía —reconoció—. Pero son cosas del momento. Ahora estoy tranquilo". ¿Habrá remake hoy?

I cant believe this guy, he is one in a million. :)

Guys, I tried to interpret it the best way I could. But, some terms are just too Argentinean to understand. And, the words in Italic are just things I wasn't sure of because they had double meanings. Maybe Andres or diega can add things or correct things. :p

Gaudio didn’t have any pity for himself.

It was the show of El Gato (Gaudio’s nickname). A show that surprised the spectators in Court #4. The curious spectators wanted a translation of what Gaudio was saying on his debut day at Wimbledon against Jean Christophe Faurel. It was 5-0 when Gaudio became a talking machine.

“You have me rented, bro!” (Another way of saying “You have me on a leash!”). “Aren’t you bored yet?” he repeated to the line judge who kept calling foot faults on him. And, the chair umpire warned him when he smacked his racquet against the grasscourt at 2-4 in the second set.

The self-punishment was not over: “Oh my God, what a bad time I’m having! (I’m not sure if he meant that OR How bad I’m hitting the ball!)” “They shouldn’t let me enter the tournament anymore” “It’s embarrassing” “How pathetic” “I pity myself” “The grass isn’t the reason. I’m just tired of Tennis.”

Gaudio had a couple conversations, first with physical trainer Fernando Aguirre:

-“Explain to me why I come here. I don’t understand why I don’t stay at home.”

-“Do the most simple thing!”

-“The most simple thing is to go back home.”

The second time, with Eduardo "The Russian" Heguy, the Argentine polo player:

-“Do I have to win a match in order to call your attention?” “You haven’t called me since a long time ago.”

-“If you lose today, I’ll kill you.”

“I didn’t pay attention to the people. On clay, I talk, too, but on grass, I’m worse since I feel like a novice.” “They’re just outbursts that happen at the moment.” “Now, I’m calm.”


Hall of Fame
There's a video on youtube where Gaudio says to himself:

-"Who am I gonna lie to, who am I gonna lie to?! I'm such a son of a bi..." "Let's see who I wanna lie to."

-"Spending all my life playing Tennis, and I haven't gotten ANY better."

-"What a high level of play! Yes, this is good Tennis!" <<He says that after missing a shot.

Gaudio must be the most pessimistic guy by far in the ATP Tour.


hahahaha!!He is hilarious!I do say these kind of things some times!:cool:
Self-sarcasm I suppose!
I like now very much more the guy.


Hall of Fame
diegaa said:
Great job shcmad, you translated it perfectly.:D

Thanks diega. Now, let's see if that guy with the Croation serving motion...uhh..what's his name? Don Guazelli can do a better job in translating it! ;)


Yeah thanks for the translation. That was pretty funny. It does seem that Gaudio was a little peeved at his friend, the Argentine polo player, for not hanging out with him lately?

Didn't this guy win the French Open once? Talk about pessimism!

Which youtube video were you looking at? The one I found showed his cell phone going off in a match. He has a weird ringtone...


Hall of Fame
emcee said:
Yeah thanks for the translation. That was pretty funny. It does seem that Gaudio was a little peeved at his friend, the Argentine polo player, for not hanging out with him lately?

Didn't this guy win the French Open once? Talk about pessimism!

Which youtube video were you looking at? The one I found showed his cell phone going off in a match. He has a weird ringtone...

I was referring to this one:


By the way, I saw the cellphone one. It was hilarious. I think the ringtone says "El telefono, Gaston, El telefono!"


Hall of Fame
Gaudio es un cague de risa. he's funny... not only that nonsense on court, but he also said some funny stuff after his first round match during the press conference.

- "I'm not ashamed to say it, I'm terrible on this stuff (grass). I do not like it and I don't enjoy it, and that's that... I don't like it, I don't wanna like it, and I don't mind not liking it."

I think it's the funniest thing I've heard anyone say at an interview.


Hall of Fame
HyperHorse said:
Why does he bother turning up to Wimbledon then???
geez, i bet it sucks to be a clay courter..

Thats the question he has been asking himself all that match... hehe.

In an interview he was asked: "whats the sport you hate the most?". He took a few seconds to think and then replied "sometimes, tennis". Can you believe this guy???
on a side note, he isnt the first pro sportman to express disgust to his own sport... Klinsmann (the actual coach of germany football team) told once that playing football gave him bad headaches.... :eek:


It's all so painful, and all so funny as well, much like life itself. I think Gaudio feels the same way. I love the guy, not just because of his eccentricities, but because he's climbed so damn near the top of the sport in spite of them.


Hall of Fame
LeftyServe said:
It's all so painful, and all so funny as well, much like life itself. I think Gaudio feels the same way. I love the guy, not just because of his eccentricities, but because he's climbed so damn near the top of the sport in spite of them.

Well said, LS, i feel the same way about him.