Let's go on the record so everyone knows where I stand. My book was originally 1,300 plus pages of quotes from tennis coaches throughout history plus 100 pages of my arguments. I am almost to the 650 page cutdown mark. I was Oscar's right hand man for 12 years in a campaign to simplify instruction. Whatever you or I think of him, objectively, his impact on the game was huge. But as I realized that many of his tenants had been known for over a hundred years I began to wonder why you can find an "Oscar Wegner" contrarian teaching much like he did every year since 1900 (including "major" tournament winners when the greats all used to write books because they couldn't teach for money nor accept prize money.....books were the only tennis outlet to make money). I parted ways with him over non-tennis matters in 2016 but partly because I realized that 5263 was rising up in my estimation of innovative tennis pioneers in the 140 plus years of known tennis methods. I told 5263 that I was only with Oscar because I knew historically that he had many things correct and that many of the claims (particularly on this site) about him were incorrect, particularly about exactly what he taught, but my real goal was to grow tennis and I stuck my sword in the grassroots niche alongside Oscar. I told 5263, Yandell, and others I was looking for the best tennis method yet devised. 5263 said he had made enough mistakes coaching his three kids to scholarship level and debating on sites like this he wanted to buiild a "unified tennis model" (that is not the final name). We have tested it and shared certain aspects with enough prominent people in tennis (including people who work on court with some of the games greats) and have received accolades for resolving many of tennis' most difficult conflicts. You all will have a chance to attack it very soon, lol. We don't say anyone is right or wrong. We look for a certain "symmetry" in tennis instruction that matches and makes sense. Oscar does call me a fraud now when anyone asks, and may have helped cause me to lose a contract for a 24 court facility three miles from my house when they called him wondering why I did not list him as reference after I had brought him and a team of great coaches to that facility in 2015 (when we all met 5263 finally to test his tennis methods). Though Oscar still badmouths me, I don't take it personal and I rate Oscar an important tennis pioneer in history despite the fact he, like Yandell and other prominent coaches, have claimed I am a fraud (Yandell has since likely changed his mind about me as we have been corresponding here and there). With Oscar, it's over my observations and questions about a cultish mafia like business that masquerades as a religion. He and tennisangel were forced by mafia cult decree to disconnect and never speak of me. I don't regret what I learned from Oscar nor the time I spent because it led me to do 14 years research on a book whose goal is to resolve many of the conflicts in tennis and finally reverse the per capita decline of a game that extends life spans an average of ten years for good reasons because it also builds your brain, something we need more than ever. However, Oscar taught exactly like a revolutionary PRE-world war one coach who was called the best tennis coaching expert on both sides of the Atlantic. I have studied every tennis method published in English language I could find since 1874. Go to my facebook page under John Carpenter of Fairburn, GA if you wish to see the first part of the book. The page behind the cover tells a lot of what is in the book. Many of the debates on here such as open vs closed stance existed in the 19th century. So did hitting above or below the sweet spot versus in the sweet spot. My quote that begins Chapter 3: “Legend tells us one thing, history another. But every now and then you find something that belongs to both.” Nick Fury of Marvel movie fame portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson