I started doing this after a mountain bike accident where I braced my fall with my non playing wrist. I could barely use my off hand so I started to play with 1 grip on the forehand and bh. Now that it’s better I’ve kind of gotten used to it and learning the nuances. I'm on the far side so you can't really tell my take back.welcome back and weird. one of the reasons I use the sw bh grip is because its a much stronger grip. Said another way if you tripped and found yourself falling into a wall and had to break your fall with a bh grip(without the racquet) would you choose to strike the wall with your knuckles like and eastern bh grip or would you contact the wall with your palm like a sw grip?
It’s a little awkward on the bh side but it feels better every time out. The bh side feels like the face is more closed than I like, I used to use the off hand to turn the racket face more square, and you need to hit with a more open stance? I think I heard Almagro and Krolschreber do this, closed stance bh causes more mishits and imo. There are a few more nuances that I’ve learned, like I think it’s better to start with the racket low and facing down in the ready position, then you just turn either side and will be ready. It’s a little too closed so the returns especially on the bh side probably needs to be taken a step further back.
I do like the SW bh grip for high balls, more solid feeling, and getting used to it on low balls had been quicker than I thought
Would be interested in other tips from those who have done the same racket face/one grip for awhile, I find little things each time trying it out, so I started typing out notes/checks like I did for golf when something would click.
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