How can i get a scholarship in United States?



Hi,My name is Timur Shamuradov.I'm from Uzbekistan and I'm 19 years old.I started to play tennis at age of 9,I played a lot of ITF tournaments in different countries,my highest ranking was 583 in the world junior tennis.I was national champion in doubles 2004 in Uzbekistan.I'm still have hard trainings twice a day,and i'm in a fine-drawn.
I alredy finished a high school and i'm looking to get a scholarship in university or a college in United States.Where can i find a college which need a tennis player?And its possible to me to get a full scholarship in United States college?


New User
I don't know many specifics because I'm not good enough to be worrying about a tennis scholarship, but... usually has accurate information

search for colleges with a division I or II tennis team and go to the college's website and read whether they give scholarships for tennis


If what you say is true, you can contact a top 25 Division 1 school and talk to the coach and athletic coordinators, let them know your situation, theyll want you to backup your information, show them your results, ranks, etc, and theyll probably talk to some poeple who work with you for reference, and then watch you play and recruit you and offer a scholarship or not.

You can find the top 25 D1 schools by looking at the D1 Top 100 Player rank and observing what schools they play in, and contact them (the schools youre interested in playing in).

If you have ever played any Pro Circuit event (by now you should know, but anyways - futures, satellite, challengers) and accepted prize money, your chances are slim, however, if you did play and declared amateur status, you shuold be fine.


Power_Play_21 can you give me your msn adress,i wanna talk to you about colleges


I play at a division 2 school and I think this should be the way you should go. Most of the D 1 schools recruit the top americans and and top players around the world. With your ranking the absolute worst you could do is a partial scholarship at a Division 2 school. There are also many Division 2 schools that give full rides.


There's a guy from Bishkek at Old Dominion University by the name of Aleksandr Seleznev, who I think had a tennis background similar to yours when he came here. I don't really know him, but if you could get a hold of him, maybe he'd have some tips for you. Just a thought...