Stretchy Man
Your partner is at the net and crosses center line to get a short ball, so you swap sides as well. Now your partner returns to their original side without bothering to look back so we are now on both sides of the court leaving half the court open. Really annoying and has happened with a couple of different partners.
Once your have crossed the center line it seems obvious to me that you should stay there but this doesn't seem obvious to my partners. My current partner and I have discussed it but we couldn't decide on the best solution. Should the net guy call "cross" if he wants to swap sides, but then it doesn't seem right that the baseline guy stands there waiting for the word "cross" leaving a hole in the meantime. I'm leaning towards the baseline guy should call "cross" if he is swapping sides.
Once your have crossed the center line it seems obvious to me that you should stay there but this doesn't seem obvious to my partners. My current partner and I have discussed it but we couldn't decide on the best solution. Should the net guy call "cross" if he wants to swap sides, but then it doesn't seem right that the baseline guy stands there waiting for the word "cross" leaving a hole in the meantime. I'm leaning towards the baseline guy should call "cross" if he is swapping sides.