talking exclusively singles here. i played in several USTA singles leagues last year assuming they'd all count.
i'm in a USTA singles league right now and now i just heard that "some leagues count, some dont" but i have yet to hear how to establish w/o uncertainty whether any specific league counts or not.
I searched the forum and found some threads asking this question, but no definitive answers. example https://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/index.php?threads/which-league-count-toward-year-end-rating.605490/
i read the USTA FAQ and it's not there, either.
i'm in a USTA singles league right now and now i just heard that "some leagues count, some dont" but i have yet to hear how to establish w/o uncertainty whether any specific league counts or not.
I searched the forum and found some threads asking this question, but no definitive answers. example https://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/index.php?threads/which-league-count-toward-year-end-rating.605490/
i read the USTA FAQ and it's not there, either.