How fast can 13 year olds serve

i am a m8 of marcus from alsager and i dout e finished pubety and 81 aint that fast i serve 91mph on a day wen im not serving well and with wet balls and flat balls so i should be able to hit around a 100mph im about 5.9 and a bit my second serve is 65 i dont think marcus's was quite 81 id say more high 70's defo maybe higher


jackofromalsager said:
i am a m8 of marcus from alsager and i dout e finished pubety and 81 aint that fast i serve 91mph on a day wen im not serving well and with wet balls and flat balls so i should be able to hit around a 100mph im about 5.9 and a bit my second serve is 65 i dont think marcus's was quite 81 id say more high 70's defo maybe higher

I was easily hitting 105 mark today at florrence as i played for power and aces on the gass was good but still kick second serves and sliders out wide to deuce side but i know i was hitting forehands easy in high 80s today was tanning it maybe the 54lbs im using right now!


Hall of Fame
i know a girl shes about 16 i guess... 5'3 and she hit one well over 90 to the corner. incredible serve. no joke, because i have seen 100mph serves because i play 1 singles in highschool and play plenty of 1 seeds in tournaments, her serve is as fast as anyones. not so consistant because of her height though but when it goes in, its a rocket. and she has a very consistant second kicker to back it up. incredible player.


donnyz89 said:
i know a girl shes about 16 i guess... 5'3 and she hit one well over 90 to the corner. incredible serve. no joke, because i have seen 100mph serves because i play 1 singles in highschool and play plenty of 1 seeds in tournaments, her serve is as fast as anyones. not so consistant because of her height though but when it goes in, its a rocket. and she has a very consistant second kicker to back it up. incredible player.

Like I sya though played a lad serving 130 easy its unbelievable! :eek:


wot a baby, anyway about the post, if you have the strength and the determination to get your technique very good then i dont see why 13 year olds cannot serve over 110mph.


mowcopian said:
wot a baby, anyway about the post, if you have the strength and the determination to get your technique very good then i dont see why 13 year olds cannot serve over 110mph.

I do a 13yr old normal sized kid cannot hit 110 dan thats mad!

Maybe 100 max i like i say couldnt do much more than 85-90 as a thirteen yewr old and as iv always served twist serves my average serve would probably been 65-70 then i know this as i remember haveing it measured.

Im not going to nother saying "yeah i hit about 99 when i was thirteen not quite 100, wait a minute that was my backhand no more like 160 serve!" The same way marcus is trying to.


marcus_alsager said:
shut the hell up u idiot, i get fed up of people nickin my stuff from my bag, even if it was just a bag, i dont give a damn

Woah! Bit off topic marcus, am i on the "how hard do 13yr olds serve" topic or "stop ripping my plastic bag" thread!



I serve 105 on my flat first serve...its been hard getting above 5 foot 6......
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marcus_alsager said:
well the machine must have been broken then urs was probably 51 then not 91

I think Jack serves more than 10mph above you marcus. Your 1st serve isnt as fast as my second and my second is like 75-80 itself.
Mountainman said:
It is believeable that a 13 year can serve 81 mph. I served higher or lower than 81 mph during that age. I served just about the same at age 12. What's rare is seeing a kid doing a true kickserve.
im 13 and my kick serve kicks up usually around 5'5 or 5'6
brucie said:
I think Jack serves more than 10mph above you marcus. Your 1st serve isnt as fast as my second and my second is like 75-80 itself.
if thats wot u think, tell tim he needs to get a new radar gun...


tennispr() said:
geez 81 mph and ur only 13 u must be really good at tennis

81 is faster than average i guess. But when I was 14 i was doing 88. Jack on the other hand is really a beast seving 91 in bad wet conditions and soft balls. He'll probly do close to 100 really.

Marcus i think 81 seems generous but havent played with you for a while so its believable. But then Dan is only hitting 90s i think he told me.


New User
It's all height. It doesn't matter how strong you are. You can always just pound a serve in there if you are tall. But I was short at 13 and I could not hit it fast at all and my serve was weak. I'm 16 now and I hit about 115 but I've gotten a lot taller. 5'11, at least taller than what I used to be. I got mine radared at a fast serve contest that I won just for fun.


my friend is 13 ranked around 50 in the state and he can serve around 90. I should also add that hes only 5"3. Yes it is possible.


Hall of Fame
I was teaching an 11 year old boy how to serve about two weeks ago. The kid is about 5' 2" tall and about 110 lbs soaking wet. He mis-hit about 50 balls, then he starting connecting, and finally hit one (measured at the net with the doppler radar gun) at 81 mph. That would be about 90 mph or so at the racquet. I was stunned and he was jumping up and down and his mother was screaming! Too funny. :)

I suspect most kids, who are naturally loose jointed, can smack the snot out of the ball if they get their timing together.



Last time I checked I served fastest around 60 when I was 11 or 12. Im 14 now and I dont think its that different. Maybe 70. It doesnt always have to do with strength. It has to also do with you arm rotation. More room means more speed.
it depends... if I go for a flat serve its 100+. but I usually do a slight kick 1st server and do about 85-90. full on kick is about 80.


I'm fifteen. I can serve at about 90 MPH when serving well and flat. I've been playing for a little over two years.


Hall of Fame
i'm 14 and I serve around 70-80. however, there was this kid at the Yale Tennis camp that serve w/ an eastern FOREHAND grip. He served almost 90 mph the spin looked like a twist. I dunno how you does it w/ an eastern forehand grip.


Hall of Fame
80 for 13 yr old is hardly a surprise... a bigger 13 yr old can easily serve that fast.

I know a 14 yr old that served over 100... and hes I think 16 now and #1 in the section in B16. and hes not a big kid at all.


Hall of Fame
By the way, Midlifecrisis was talking about Little League pitchers in a post above. Well, did you guys see that one of those Little League 'kids' is something like 6'9" tall! That kid would easily break 100 I'm sure! :)



Hall of Fame
chess9 said:
By the way, Midlifecrisis was talking about Little League pitchers in a post above. Well, did you guys see that one of those Little League 'kids' is something like 6'9" tall! That kid would easily break 100 I'm sure! :)


m... I'm no basebal fan by any means but dont pros' fastballs clock under 100mph usually? unless you are rivera...

Midlife crisis

Hall of Fame
chess9 said:
By the way, Midlifecrisis was talking about Little League pitchers in a post above. Well, did you guys see that one of those Little League 'kids' is something like 6'9" tall! That kid would easily break 100 I'm sure! :)


Yeah, the kid on the Saudi Arabia team (I think that's correct) was 260 pounds and wore a size 19 shoe. I only saw it in passing, and I don't think he pitched at all, though.

That guy should play basketball, or be a tight end playing football. I don't know that there's much future for someone that big in baseball unless they are pitching. The strike zone just gets too big and a major league pitcher would dominate him even if he had excellent hand-eye coordination.

Midlife crisis

Hall of Fame
donnyz89 said:
m... I'm no basebal fan by any means but dont pros' fastballs clock under 100mph usually? unless you are rivera...

There's a very strong correlation between baseball pitching speed and serving speed. The ratio between pitching speed and serving speed is between 1:1.4 to 1:1.5. In other words, you can serve 40-50% faster than you can pitch, assuming that the biomechanical skill in both motions is roughly the same and at least at a "good" level (meaning they pronate both when throwing and serving, know how to lead with the elbow, etc.).

My kid played little league and pitched for quite a few years and fits this range, as does a couple of other kids who also played baseball or other throwing sports and play tennis. Even at the pro level, you have pitchers who can just top 100 MPH, and you have servers who can just top 145 MPH.


New User
marcus_alsager said:
Hi im 13 and i wanted to see if i am serving as well as all the others out there.
I can serve 81 mph... and u?

At my tennis academy I have a 13 year old that I work with that serves in the low 90's, so you are right in there dude!

You may need to work on your external to internal rotation of your upper arm to max out your current speed potential! Keep practicing, and remember that if you are trying to hit hard with a lot of effort, you have the wrong sensation on the serve. Stay loose bud!:cool:


I can serve at 157 mph.
No, I won't show proofs... it would be showing off :mrgreen:

You need to take my word for it! :mrgreen:


Hall of Fame
Andres Guazzelli said:
I can serve at 157 mph.
No, I won't show proofs... it would be showing off :mrgreen:

You need to take my word for it! :mrgreen:

Big Deal.

I can serve 195 mph on a bad day, and I'm only 7 years old.
Yeah, I serve anywhere from 80 to 90 and I'm 12 because I have the right technique. If you have the wrong technique, it doesn't matter if you are the same age as someone who can serve 90. You won't be able to serve that fats cuz you are limited by ur technique.