How good is signum pro poly plasma?

Andre D

I ve always used pro´s pro strings, because their reels are way cheaper, its like 1 reel of signum poly plasma is equal to 2 or more reels from pro´s pro.

I need advices whether to keep using pro´s pro or changing to poly plasma
the first things id like to know, is how do they compare in durability, spin and comfort


SPPP is a very good string. I also tested Plus Power from Pro's Pro and found them to be very similar in all the things you listed, with Plus Power maybe being a tad softer.


SPPP is one of the best polyester strings out there. the only reason i didnt continue playing with it was because it wasent textured and MSV was cheaper. not even comparable to pros pros.


I like the SPPP for a non-shaped string because its soft, but the MSV Focus Hex is a great shaped soft poly that is also really inexpensive (in reel form).


I like SPPP because it doesn't try to do too much. The string bed feel is pretty darn stable across the string bed lifetime. Not super high powered, FEELS like it holds tension pretty well (aka not a huge characteristic change when it loses tension), but it loses tension just like any other poly. Some don't like the color, I think it's pretty sweet ;)

Spin is average for a poly (read as: good), comfort level is above average.


I have no experience with SPPP, however I was using Signum Pro Tornado. After I tried Pro's Pro Blackout I switched. Blackout is better in every department except in tension maintenance. However you have to take in the consideration that I am a string breaker, so Tornado may play better after 5 or 6 hours of play. In my opinion Blackout outperforms the Tornado (at least) in first 5 hours of play. Hope this will help you.


I've played with Pro's Pro Blackout 1.24mm and for the first 2 hours or so it's exceptional for the amount of spin, bite and control that you can put on the ball.

After that, all the performance drops off very, very quickly and the stringbed feels like a soggy wet noodle.

Very much a case of you get what you pay for.


New User
I often use SPPP and find it to be a great control orientated string. I can really hit out and still place the ball accurately. I use the 1.18 and find I get pretty good spin if not amazing spin.


Hall of Fame
I've tried probably 50+ polys and I play with SPPP 1.18 when my arm is in the mood for poly. Amongst the best if not the best for tension maintenance, good overall poly performance with a nice blend of characteristics without a standout feature (power, spin etc...). I think it hasn't sacrificed anything in the pursuit of a key attribute. Soft but not overly so.

For those that like SPPP but want a textured poly did you try HexTreme? Basically the same but textured.

Re Pro's Pro I haven't tried their string yet. Glad to see that BigT is showing his hand clearly in his signature. Refreshing.


Hall of Fame
I may have asked you before, origmarm, but have you compared it to WC Silverstring and WC Scorpion?

Signum make a "Pure" version of SPPP, which is softer and (I think) a bit less sharp and holds tension less well. It's definitely less stable over it's lifetime of play. I (and others) believe this to be the same string, from the same factory, as Scorpion. It is however softer and more powerful with a more "rubbery" as opposed to "plasticky" feel (I think Torres put it that way recently and I like the description). They are both good string but it depends where you put your priorities. With both the normal SPPP and Scorpion/SPPPP you get a slight flex to the stringbed on the harder, flatter shots as a tradeoff to the first gen poly stiffness. I quite like this though. They both seem to "top out" a bit on the power on the big strikes. It's more pronounced in Scorpion/SPPPP.

Silverstring on the other hand I find closer to a first generation copoly. Stiffer and with less feel and power than SPPP. Felt much less elastic as a stringbed. Very controlled and consistent whether you hit harder or softer. Very linear whereas SPPP and Scorpion seem to "top out" a little on the harder hits as I said before.

I find the SPPP to be a nice balance between something like a Silverstring and something like a Scorpion. We are however talking minimal differences here, the kind of thing that's as much personal taste as anything else.


I ve always used pro´s pro strings, because their reels are way cheaper, its like 1 reel of signum poly plasma is equal to 2 or more reels from pro´s pro.

I need advices whether to keep using pro´s pro or changing to poly plasma
the first things id like to know, is how do they compare in durability, spin and comfort

Which of their strings have you been using?


Hall of Fame
Do people think Pro's Pro Plus Power is rebadged SPPP? Or a different string designed to appear similar? Same gauges are available. Signum does have a history of rebadging (for example Pro Poly Deluxe and Big Ace are the same string) but it appears to have some "originals" also.

I've never really looked into Pro's Pro before and they appear very similar to other branded strings. That said this seems to be the marketing strategy of the brand as a whole so it's hard to judge whether these are copies or rebadges

Deleted member 19728

I like SPPP because it doesn't try to do too much. The string bed feel is pretty darn stable across the string bed lifetime. Not super high powered, FEELS like it holds tension pretty well (aka not a huge characteristic change when it loses tension), but it loses tension just like any other poly. Some don't like the color, I think it's pretty sweet ;)

Spin is average for a poly (read as: good), comfort level is above average.

Yeah I have to totally agree with that post-- I don't think a better nutshell description of SPPP has ever been given on here. Its just one of those string you gotta try, and if textured strings are your thing the hex version is really great too.