How many variations of proper one piece stringing we should know?


I only know 2( or 3) variations.

I learned it because of the pure aero 2016. Oh well.

2a) I am not sure of the actual name.. not sure whether it is box, or atw.

Let x be the number of mains and Y be the number of crosses

Finish (x/2) - 1 mains on both side. Tie 1st knot on the short side(if possible in the beginning.)
Feed to 2nd cross, weave.... pull tension.... Weave.... pull tension....
Finish up until Y - 2, skip Y - 1 continue to Y th and switch back the Xth main, first cross, x th main again, Y - 1 cross. Tie off. Bye.

2b) assuming it is a" skip only 1 main on the top " kind of string pattern/ Cross knot is on the x-1 th mains ' top... eg. Pure Drive before 2014, all version of aero pro drive

Finish (x/2) - 1 mains on both side.
Feed short side to 2nd cross, weave.... pull tension (tie knot on the long side mains)
Feed long side to 3rd Cross....
Finish up until Y - 2, skip Y - 1 continue to Y th and switch back the Xth main, first cross, x th main again, Y - 1 cross. Tie off. Bye.


Talk Tennis Guru
UKRSA, Universal, box, and all the ones the manufacturer recommends allows.

EDIT: I probably should have said allows in the first place.


As you string, patterns and technique will change as you learn (or not). When I do a one-piece (except for Prince ports), I always string the last main as the first cross on the short side. I've been told by stringers far better than me to tie off on a cross, so I like to do that. It helps maintain tension on the main. Then stringing the rest of the frame as normal. For knots, I alternate between a DHH, Parnell, and Pro Knot. I like a Pro Knot when space is tight. Right now, I've gone back to Parnell's for everything else.

When I do an ATW, I still take the last main on the short side (#7 mainly) and string it as the first cross. Same reason, same habit. Then the #8 main on the long side is done as the bottom cross and I check my weave there. I go back up the #8 main on the short side and string down.

I'm not much on "studying" a frame to determine the "optimum" way to string it. If I have a blocked hole, well that's why man invented the awl. I have a Kilmony awl that is fantastic for doing that very thing. So I've become a creature of habit stringing.