How much do high school tennis coach's make?


Hall of Fame
the head coach here isn't a teacher and makes like 8 k
But something that is wild is that the football coach makes the same as well as the golf coach.

I ask because I'm going to be paid 6 k just to be an assistant high school tennis coach. :confused:

I was going to do it for free. I didn't know I was being interviewed, had to fill out an app, background check, etc.

also funny how teachers or coaches don't have to take any drug tests. I think they should have too. Maybe they do in some states. I don't really know.

Ive been an assistant before but never had to go through this process.


Hall of Fame
the head coach here isn't a teacher and makes like 8 k
But something that is wild is that the football coach makes the same as well as the golf coach.

I ask because I'm going to be paid 6 k just to be an assistant high school tennis coach. :confused:

I was going to do it for free. I didn't know I was being interviewed, had to fill out an app, background check, etc.

also funny how teachers or coaches don't have to take any drug tests. I think they should have too. Maybe they do in some states. I don't really know.

Ive been an assistant before but never had to go through this process.

OK, if you are actually getting paid $6K to be an assistant HS Coach..shut the EFF up about it and ride out the trip bro!:twisted: (I smell BS, unless of course you are in Beverly Hills, or similar upscale Zip Code).

Also, this jem "also funny how teachers or coaches don't have to take any drug tests. I think they should have too. Maybe they do in some states. I don't really know.". I'll reiterate a conversation I had with 2 very successful and accomplished school administrators of 25 plus years.."hey, do you guys get drug tested?"..."no, because school couldn't open the next day, there would only be a few math teachers, computer science, and maybe a gym coach in the whole school!" LMAO.

BTW...if you're getting $6K, then damn straight there better be a "process" and background check....and frankly I care more to find out if you molested a minor than if you smoked a damn joint!
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Think about the number of hours you'll have to put in. Pretty easy to put in several hundred hours and there goes your hourly rate (not so princely anymore.)


Hall of Fame
It depends on where you are and years of experience obviously. Around here, though, for a first year head coach you're looking about 3,000 dollars for the season. Assistant would be more like 1500.

If you're getting 6,000 that's a very, very good deal.


the head coach here isn't a teacher and makes like 8 k
But something that is wild is that the football coach makes the same as well as the golf coach.
American high schools have golf coaches now? :shock:

Ah, the end of Western civilization must be near!



Hall of Fame
American high schools have golf coaches now? :shock:

Ah, the end of Western civilization must be near!


"coach" is a pretty loose term when talking about high school sports. basically you just need to be familiar with the rules of the sport you are "coaching" ..and must have a crusty voice with which you shout at the kids to do push-ups and laps etc. Actually.. i'm not sure you even need to be familiar with the rules to be the coach. *raspy wife-beating cigarette smoking republican voting southern voice* "ALLRIGGHT 5 LAPS 'ROUND ALL THE COURTS. IF I CATCH ANY OF YOU JAWGIN', WE'LL DO IT AGIN"
?..Also, this jem "also funny how teachers or coaches don't have to take any drug tests....I'll reiterate a conversation I had with 2 very successful and accomplished school administrators of 25 plus years.."hey, do you guys get drug tested?"..."no, because school couldn't open the next day, there would only be a few math teachers, computer science, and maybe a gym coach in the whole school!" LMAO.
... frankly I care more to find out if you molested a minor than if you smoked a damn joint!

Wait, are you serious!?

two or more administrators suspect that teachers are on drugs?
That is like golf pros assuming bagboys smoke marijuana.
Like sales reps figuring support staff is baked.
Like managers and secretaries assuming shipping staffers are on the pipe.

Or are teachers really getting wasted? Do they earn enough disposable income to dispose of it on recreational drugs?

i am appalled.


I'll reiterate a conversation I had with 2 very successful and accomplished school administrators of 25 plus years.."hey, do you guys get drug tested?"..."no, because school couldn't open the next day, there would only be a few math teachers, computer science, and maybe a gym coach in the whole school!"
So what did you do after this conversation?

I see.
I question the truth of your account.

and frankly I care more to find out if you molested a minor than if you smoked a damn joint!
Pro drugs are we?



Bash and Crash

Think about the number of hours you'll have to put in. Pretty easy to put in several hundred hours and there goes your hourly rate (not so princely anymore.)

Well if the average season is 3 months at most and he works 20hrs/week he would be making $25hr, not too bad for high school coaching gig. Usually works out to like $10-15 and hour for the head coach. 20hrs a week is on the high side that would 4 hrs a day, most of the time 2 maybe 3 on occasion.


Hall of Fame
Wouldn't it make sense that the percentage of teachers using drugs would be about the same as similarly educated people? No reason it would be higher or lower. I'd say the amount of accountants and teachers smoking weed is probably pretty similar.


Hall of Fame
Is $6000 really that much? Call it £4000 cause I'm british :p Depends on how many hours they're wanting from you. Presuming you're a qualified coach if I was running a group session I might be charging £5 a head taking £60 an hour, splitting half in court fees for £30 an hour past 133 hours I'm could be making better money else where but it's nice guaranteed work, with little effort on your behalf.

Take it if you think it's a good deal which it is if you were thinking you would be working for free!

Coaches don't charge enough money in my opinion, I've seen guys who've coached players for years that then went on to be world number 2, coached other junior slam winners and masters doubles winners, along with another jnr orange bowl winner charging £20 an hour while a personal trainer or swim coach who's just done some qualifications at 20 years old charging £40 with more clients. Can't help but chuckle. I guess the problem is jonny jumps in a swimming pool without lessons he drowns, he jumps on a tennis court and he walks off safe an sound thusly we should have lions on tennis courts he could beat away with his racket if only jonny were co-ordinated enough...agree?


Yeah, it's definitely not "enough." However, most high school coaches are also teachers. Their coaching earnings are added on to their salary. There is expected to be some degree of "I am just doing this to benefit the students" involved.
..and must have a crusty voice with which you shout at the kids to do push-ups and laps etc. Actually.. i'm not sure you even need to be familiar with the rules to be the coach. *raspy wife-beating cigarette smoking republican voting southern voice* "ALLRIGGHT 5 LAPS 'ROUND ALL THE COURTS. IF I CATCH ANY OF YOU JAWGIN', WE'LL DO IT AGIN"

Hey, I thought Bill Clinton was a democrat!
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Wait, are you serious!?

two or more administrators suspect that teachers are on drugs?
That is like golf pros assuming bagboys smoke marijuana.
Like sales reps figuring support staff is baked.
Like managers and secretaries assuming shipping staffers are on the pipe.

Or are teachers really getting wasted? Do they earn enough disposable income to dispose of it on recreational drugs?

i am appalled.

I'm in education at a top Canadian university. I would say well over 50% of my colleagues take some type of recreational drug on a regular basis. Never while on the job, but it is very common.



Hall of Fame
Wait, are you serious!?

two or more administrators suspect that teachers are on drugs?
That is like golf pros assuming bagboys smoke marijuana.
Like sales reps figuring support staff is baked.
Like managers and secretaries assuming shipping staffers are on the pipe.

Or are teachers really getting wasted? Do they earn enough disposable income to dispose of it on recreational drugs?

i am appalled.

Follow along now...teachers=decently paid members of average American society= regularly use recreational drugs (including the legal and more damaging ones like alcohol) in a controlled manner that does not ruin their lives.

Yes..shocking...a large part of our society holds jobs, has success, and responsibly uses the equivalent of "flammable beer"!

Maybe this will shock you more? The Surgeons, Lawyers, CEO's, and countless College Professors I've smoked a joint with! Welcome to the real world.


Hall of Fame
So what did you do after this conversation?

I see.
I question the truth of your account.

Pro drugs are we?



Let me're on an anti-depressant, maybe an ADD drug, how about an Anxiety Med? Oh, but they are all fine because they are "prescribed" correct?

Nope..not "Pro-Drug" fact I think we are in a era of the most over medicated, wimpy, don't wanna face real life problems without "med's" society ever.

HOWEVER...I am Pro ADULTS making INFORMED CHOICES and using the recreational drugs that are clearly enjoyable and controllable, on their own time, not ever effecting their work, and not just the ones the government decided for us to make legal, and tax, and make millions off of.

Let me ask you something...who do you want teaching your kids Monday AM? The teacher who enjoyed 2 glasses of wine and 2 hits of weed on a Saturday night, then got a great nights sleep and went for a hike on Sunday....OR....the teacher who LEGALLY watched NFL games all day Sunday at a Sports Bar, drank 12 beers all day and passed out drunk at 7pm? Let me tell you, that SOB is one foggy brained idiot come Monday morning...and they broke no laws! WAKE UP, stop doing what authorities tell you to do and make your own informed decisions..DISGUSTING!


$6k to be a high school tennis coach?? Geez. I guess kids on the tennis teams get most of their instruction elsewhere? For comparison, the average high school football coach in Texas makes $100K and may only teach a gym class once a week in the offseason.


Hall of Fame
Several years ago when I was a HS coach, I was paid $1500 per season. Boys & girls both that was $3k. I also earned hourly minimum wage when we advanced to playoffs (15-16 hours per week) & both my teams generally played 1 extra week. One time, my guys made it out of the first week & lost in the round of 16. So, I was grossing about $3500 per year for my coaching.

However, I had unlimited hitting partners year round & unlimited free court access, ball machine, and plenty of practice balls so that was a side perk to me personally but it was of minimal financial benefit. My game definitely improved during those 4 years & it was at that time that I advanced from 4.0 level to 4.5.


Hall of Fame
$6000 as an assistant at a Kentucky (if that's where you're really from) HS?


Highly doubtful, I live in one of the richest public school districts in the country and the stipend for a head coach in any sport is much lower than $6K.
Follow along now...teachers=decently paid members of average American society= regularly use recreational drugs (including the legal and more damaging ones like alcohol) in a controlled manner that does not ruin their lives.

Yes..shocking...a large part of our society holds jobs, has success, and responsibly uses the equivalent of "flammable beer"!

Maybe this will shock you more? The Surgeons, Lawyers, CEO's, and countless College Professors I've smoked a joint with! Welcome to the real world.

So condescending.
Teachers are not decently paid.
I agree alcohol is more damaging than some majirjuana.
Controlled manner, sure...not ruining their lives, sure. But to coach a youth sport at the ymca requires a background check. To secure most positions....a drug test. Working with kids requires a certain kind of person who can be a great example, and since many of them work for the government, they ought to adhere to basic laws, no matter how unjust.

People who use drugs are epic, awesome, and totes fun! I understand drug use is mad popular in all walks of life, especially among professionals and college profs. But i do not want recreational drug users as teachers and coaches for my kids. I am sorry, sir. That is how i feel as a parent, irrational as it may sound to you. I have seen that some people who drink off hours come to work hungover. Some people who use drugs come to work less than alert sometimes. Some people who use drugs come to work with erratic behavior and betray the fact that they cannot self-soothe. Sorry. That is the truth.

You feel you have to tell me to "follow along" if i express surprise that teachers are not drug tested? Defensive and weak, sir.

Congratulations on smoking a J with some profs, surgeons, lawyers and ceo's. You are so cool, man! So cool!
And congrats to the OP on the opportunity to work with kids.

Happy new year.
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Hall of Fame
Highly doubtful, I live in one of the richest public school districts in the country and the stipend for a head coach in any sport is much lower than $6K.

That is a little lower than the district I worked in. Football HC was 7500 per season supplemented to salary & B&G basketball was 6500, wrestling was 6000... but yes all others were well below 6k.
To put it in perspective, I am the Head Coach for a fairly large and successful program in the mid west. I make $11,000, for coaching the boys and girls, fall and spring seasons respectively. So, $5,500 per team. Hourly, after all the travel, invites, tourneys, conditioning, it's not even $10 an hour and I'm paid on the high end I'd say. However, it's very fun and rewarding.

So to answer your question no, $6,000 is not typical for an assistant job in Kentucky, that's a good get for you. Some of the better programs in Chicago pay that assistants that much roughly, but even that's rare.


Hall of Fame
$6k to be a high school tennis coach?? Geez. I guess kids on the tennis teams get most of their instruction elsewhere? For comparison, the average high school football coach in Texas makes $100K and may only teach a gym class once a week in the offseason.

I am calling bs on this claim, got a reference?
Just did a quick search and came up with this:

Doesn't support the average being $100K, but several are over that and the average would seem to be high 5 figures at least.

HS football is HUGE in Texas. Football Head coaches tend to be the only exception among the coaches, as they can easily make twice as much as their counterparts, and are not also full-time teachers. Almost all other coaches (asst. football coaches, basketball coaches, track, golf, tennis, baseball, etc.) are full-time teachers and get paid a small amount of money to coach on top of way too low teachers salary.


HOWEVER...I am Pro ADULTS making INFORMED CHOICES and using the recreational drugs that are clearly enjoyable and controllable, on their own time, not ever effecting their work, and not just the ones the government decided for us to make legal, and tax, and make millions off of.
I am not surprised.

Let's hope at least that your kids don't follow you in this or that they get assaulted by some thug high on crack.
Are you going to say "oh, I am glad he had an informed choice"?

Sad, very sad!

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Hall of Fame
HS football is HUGE in Texas. Football Head coaches tend to be the only exception among the coaches, as they can easily make twice as much as their counterparts, and are not also full-time teachers. Almost all other coaches (asst. football coaches, basketball coaches, track, golf, tennis, baseball, etc.) are full-time teachers and get paid a small amount of money to coach on top of way too low teachers salary.

I highly doubt that the coaching supplement itself is 100k+. In an area like Texas, I will assume that a head football coach makes 100k in total compensation (salary + stipend). I have heard of some successful HS football programs with 30k supplements, but never anything near 100k for coaching alone.

However, a base salary for a coach that is the AD (or a teacher w/ significant tenure) and the head fb coach should be over 100k....and worth every penny of it.
I highly doubt that the coaching supplement itself is 100k+. In an area like Texas, I will assume that a head football coach makes 100k in total compensation (salary + stipend). I have heard of some successful HS football programs with 30k supplements, but never anything near 100k for coaching alone.

However, a base salary for a coach that is the AD (or a teacher w/ significant tenure) and the head fb coach should be over 100k....and worth every penny of it.

Taken from


Here’s a look at a breakdown on how area coaches are paid. Most coaches are paid a base salary if they serve as athletic director or a teacher’s salary, along with stipends to coach and other stipends to cover expenses. The Leander school district is starting a new program and transitioning football coaching salaries to an administrative pay scale.

Coach;school;base pay;football stipends;other;total

Hank Carter;Lake Travis;$12,500.00;$106,684.00;$19,800.00;$138,984.00

Todd Dodge;Westlake;$113,000.00;$6,400.00;$1,375.00;$120,775.00

Craig Chessher;Stony Point;$98,920.20;$0.00;$3,540.00;$102,460.20

Lee Bridges;Leander;$0.00;$99,000.00;$0.00;$99,000.00

Jeff Cheatham;Round Rock;$92,402.36;$0.00;$3,540.00;$95,942.36

Anthony Wood;Westwood;$92,201.22;$0.00;$3,540.00;$95,741.22

Howard McMahan;McNeil;$92,201.22;$0.00;$3,540.00;$95,741.22

Neal Lahue;Hays;$76,022.00;$17,500.00;$1,500.00;$95,022.00

Todd Ford;Cedar Ridge;$90,201.12;$0.00;$3,540.00;$93,741.12

Rodney Vincent;Vista Ridge;$50,814.00;$41,420.00;$0.00;$92,234.00

Todd Raymond;Lehman;$71,604.00;$17,500.00;$2,363.00;$91,467.00

George Herrmann;Pflugerville; $59,100.00;$24,500.00;$4,500.00;$88,100.00

Drew Sanders;Vandegrift; $50,191.00;$36,640.00;$0.00;$86,831.00

Chip Killian;Hendrickson; $52,050.00;$24,500.00;$9,500.00;$86,050.00

Joe Willis;Cedar Park;$53,125.00;$31,610.00;$0.00;$84,735.00

Joshua Mann;Rouse;$48,342.00;$34,646.00;$0.00;$82,988.00

Charles Burton;Del Valle; $44,905.00;$24,000.00;$10,595.00;$79,500.00

Jeff Ables;Bowie;$59,932.19; $11,066.00;$6,640.00;$77,638.19

Jason Cecil;Connally;$48,080.00;$24,500.00;$4,500.00;$77,080.00

Jeff Rhodes;Anderson;$57,129.76;$11,066.00;$6,640.00;$74,835.76

Mike Rosenthal;Austin;$50,030.09;$11,066.00;$6,640.00;$67,736.09

Humberto Garza;Akins;$54,327.12;$11,066.00;$0.00;$65,393.12
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Hall of Fame
Just did a quick search and came up with this:

Doesn't support the average being $100K, but several are over that and the average would seem to be high 5 figures at least.

There are 22 Central Texas head coach salaries listed at the bottom of that document but only 3 are above $100k. The average of those is $90,545.24 which is higher than I thought it would be but still not $100k.

I've seen some other head coach salaries in Texas which were below $50k so those as a group may be higher than the rest of the state.

Bionic slice

i would say bs being that i live in Texas. Now, a top ranked 5A or 6A school coach might be able to get a bonus for winning state championships but most head coaches would be lucky to get 60-70 % of that.


Hall of Fame
HS football is HUGE in Texas. Football Head coaches tend to be the only exception among the coaches, as they can easily make twice as much as their counterparts, and are not also full-time teachers. Almost all other coaches (asst. football coaches, basketball coaches, track, golf, tennis, baseball, etc.) are full-time teachers and get paid a small amount of money to coach on top of way too low teachers salary.

of the entire list in the article you are sourcing, there is only one in which the coaching stipend is the predominant make up of the salary...and even one shocks me that a school board would approve 100k for coaching duties at a public school. Every other name on the list has a base teaching salary with a much lower coaching stipend.

And those numbers may be low on some of the listed coaches. There are situations in which a coach may have already reached retirement age & can pull pension at the same time they continue coaching & teaching in certain states. Some could be actually getting 10's of thousands more from that source, which isn't necessary to disclose in open records.

Regardless, a tennis coach getting a 6k pay per season is a ton. For an assistant it seems absurd.
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Hall of Fame
Back when I was teaching tennis (late 90's, early 2000's) there was a head coach opening at a private school. Typically a top 10 team, state runner up the previous year, long time coach just retired. I was already coaching some of the girls privately at the club so their parents asked if I'd throw my hat in for the HS coaching position so I could work with them year-round. I was offered $3,200. Had to turn it down. I couldn't commit the hours for that amount of money. It's not just practice and matches. Travel, meetings, lesson-planning, etc. take up a lot of time too.

$6,000 seems like a pretty fair amount. On an hourly basis it may not turn out to be as much as you think, but if you are young and want to make a career out of it its an opportunity to make a name for yourself.



Let me ask you something...who do you want teaching your kids Monday AM? The teacher who enjoyed 2 glasses of wine and 2 hits of weed on a Saturday night, then got a great nights sleep and went for a hike on Sunday....OR....the teacher who LEGALLY watched NFL games all day Sunday at a Sports Bar, drank 12 beers all day and passed out drunk at 7pm? Let me tell you, that SOB is one foggy brained idiot come Monday morning...and they broke no laws! WAKE UP, stop doing what authorities tell you to do and make your own informed decisions..DISGUSTING!

These either/or choices that the pro-drug people say are just silly. It's not that the teacher will either drink 12 beers or smoke a little pot - it's that the teacher who would drink 12 beers will do that AND smoke a lot of pot - then maybe do some meth to keep going.

I don't see how adding the drugs improves things.


Hall of Fame
So condescending.
Teachers are not decently paid.
I agree alcohol is more damaging than some majirjuana.
Controlled manner, sure...not ruining their lives, sure. But to coach a youth sport at the ymca requires a background check. To secure most positions....a drug test. Working with kids requires a certain kind of person who can be a great example, and since many of them work for the government, they ought to adhere to basic laws, no matter how unjust.

People who use drugs are epic, awesome, and totes fun! I understand drug use is mad popular in all walks of life, especially among professionals and college profs. But i do not want recreational drug users as teachers and coaches for my kids. I am sorry, sir. That is how i feel as a parent, irrational as it may sound to you. I have seen that some people who drink off hours come to work hungover. Some people who use drugs come to work less than alert sometimes. Some people who use drugs come to work with erratic behavior and betray the fact that they cannot self-soothe. Sorry. That is the truth.

You feel you have to tell me to "follow along" if i express surprise that teachers are not drug tested? Defensive and weak, sir.

Congratulations on smoking a J with some profs, surgeons, lawyers and ceo's. You are so cool, man! So cool!
And congrats to the OP on the opportunity to work with kids.

Happy new year.[/QUO
Sorry to have gotten you so twisted up, my "condescending" tone was meant to come across more as being floored that you'd be surprised at drug use amongst seemed kind of naive about it. Also at the YMCA association I was an administrator at our background checks were simply for any crimes of a violent nature, especially of sexual or targeting toward children or adults...and yes we were very concerned if anyone was intoxicated by anything at work, which would result in immediate suspension or termination...however, we didn't care what to test for what you may have done in your own house on a Saturday night that made you eat too much and fall asleep early!

Thankfully without drug testing you'll be none the wiser, because IMHO if your kids were only going to be exposed to those pure soles who never indulged in recreational drug use, then I'd pretty much guarantee you'd be depriving them of some of the best teachers, coaches, mentors, and bosses out there...that's just simple statistics.

BTW..if you found me mentioning associating and indulging in recreational "mind altering" with some very accomplished professionals, as trying to prove being "cool", as opposed to merrily giving relative examples to the discussion then I can't help that? Trust me, I play tennis regularly and love the sport..therefore I haven't been "cool" in years!:twisted:


Hall of Fame
I am not surprised.

Let's hope at least that your kids don't follow you in this or that they get assaulted by some thug high on crack.
Are you going to say "oh, I am glad he had an informed choice"?

Sad, very sad!


So you're not for adults making informed choices about their lives? Ok, then just sit tight skippy and wait for the next instruction on what to do from your a good little truly sad.

If my kids DON'T share my philosophy of educated adults, having the power to make decisions over their lives, through careful examination of the information available, and then doing what they see fit without harming others (which makes your crackhead statement asinine BTW)...then I've simply failed my kids.

If they turn out to be good little obedient sheep, that do whatever the authorities tell them to do with no objections or input, then they'd be..well..YOUR KIDS!

Now I'm sorry, you'll get no's back to tennis talk for me...I won debates on this kinda crap back in college and frankly it's boring!


doing what they see fit without harming others (which makes your crackhead statement asinine BTW)...then I've simply failed my kids.
You do not seem to realize how much drugs can wreck people's ability to make good choices and how drugs can cause long term damage to the brain.

So you're not for adults making informed choices about their lives?
Not if those choices are dangerous to society.

And if a teacher makes an 'informed choice' to do drugs the principal should make an informed choice to fire that person on the spot.
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Hall of Fame
You do not seem to realize how much drugs can wreck people's ability to make good choices and how drugs can cause long term damage to the brain.

Not if those choices are dangerous to society.

And if a teacher makes an 'informed choice' to do drugs the principal should make an informed choice to fire that person on the spot.

Ummnn..OK. Let's brother is an 8 year recovering heroin addict, he has simply put, drugged himself ********. I am well aware of what BAD CHOICES, UNINFORMED DECISIONS, can reap!

However I am not so freaking scared of other peoples bad choices that I'd EVER give up my freedom to make my own about the same things????

I enjoy a few brews and grilling out after a good 2 hours of singles tennis...BUT WAIT...someone else may have drank 24 beers, and ate 4 fat laden steaks as opposed to my 3 beers and 1 8oz lean cut of steak...then I shouldn't be allowed this???? SAME LOGIC CUZ!

My brother is an idiot, and agrees that he CAN'T make good decisions and THAT is what lead him down a different path than me when we both started by simple smoking a little weed...sorry...I don't want to live in a society that caters it's rules and regulations to the lowest common denominator.

BTW...if that principal determines that the teachers work performance was directly affected by her being intoxicated, then them. If there is no proof of intoxication detrimental to work performance then that principal should stay out of that teachers personal life.

Keep living scared...that's exactly what the politicians want from you.

OK..ENOUGH..anyone remember tennis...oh yeah...a $6K assistant coach job...TAKE IT!


Hall of Fame
You do not seem to realize how much drugs can wreck people's ability to make good choices and how drugs can cause long term damage to the brain.

Not if those choices are dangerous to society.

And if a teacher makes an 'informed choice' to do drugs the principal should make an informed choice to fire that person on the spot.

You realize alcohol is a drug, right? And that it causes a ton of damage to society. Yet, I doubt you would argue that no one should be allowed to drink.


Bionic Poster
the head coach here isn't a teacher and makes like 8 k
But something that is wild is that the football coach makes the same as well as the golf coach.

I ask because I'm going to be paid 6 k just to be an assistant high school tennis coach. :confused:

I was going to do it for free. I didn't know I was being interviewed, had to fill out an app, background check, etc.

also funny how teachers or coaches don't have to take any drug tests. I think they should have too. Maybe they do in some states. I don't really know.

Ive been an assistant before but never had to go through this process.

Background checks are needed because you will be working with minors.


Highly doubtful, I live in one of the richest public school districts in the country and the stipend for a head coach in any sport is much lower than $6K.

I live in Kentucky. Just got off phone from public high school teacher, friend of mine, who's coached girls basketball and soccer. First year tennis head coach starts out at $2,229. Maxes out at $3,621 after 4 years. Tennis season not that long. So somebody is full of it.
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Hall of Fame
A few grand to deal with a bunch of high school tennis goofballs... that's pitiful. My high school coach showed up at the beginning of practice for about 10 minutes and then went home, and then of course he chauffered us to matches. I never saw the guy swing a racquet but he was an effective coach because he was a nice guy and didn't do jack sh*t.


Most public school salary data is readily available. It is fairly easy to find if you do a Google search for the district contract info. Just like teacher salaries, coaching salaries vary widely. The strength of the local union has a lot to do with this.

In my local district, teaching salaries range from about $40k - $80k per year based on experience and level of education. Coaches are paid a percentage of their salary.

Head coaches for football, basketball, wrestling, hockey (it's big here) and volleyball get 12% with assistants getting 7%. The head coach / assistant breakdown is 9% / 5% for tennis, baseball, softball, track, soccer, cross country, etc.

The head tennis coach can easily make $5500. Double that if they coach both the boys and girls teams.


You do not seem to realize how much drugs can wreck people's ability to make good choices and how drugs can cause long term damage to the brain.

Not if those choices are dangerous to society.

And if a teacher makes an 'informed choice' to do drugs the principal should make an informed choice to fire that person on the spot.

What about in the ever increasing areas that pot is legal? What should the principal do then?


What about in the ever increasing areas that pot is legal? What should the principal do then?

Light up?

Or, still fire the teacher. Booze is legal, but you still can't have teachers coming to class under its influence.