How much do you typically pay for a string job with your own string?


We have answered this same question numerous times over the years. Everyone charges differently based on their location, experience, their feelings of own self worth, etc. AS I have stated in the past I never started stringing to make money, and still don't. I started stringing for others in an effort to keep cost low, so juniors in the area would feel more apt to string more often, thus improving their level of play. I still string a lot for free, my string and all. I still donate most of the money I make to charity. I do not charge for customizing racquets (balancing, increasing grip size, changing grommets, etc.). This is my hobby, as I have a real job. All that said my fees are:
Local players $10 plus string. I charge TW retail for string.
Local coaches free and they refer their students to me. A free racquet every few months for 30-40 referrals seems pretty fair.
Local university starting this September $7 (been $5 in past), but this gets me all the tournaments they host (NCAA, ITA, and ITF) visiting team referral, summer camps, etc. I also get bags, shirts, a racquet here and there, over grips, use of the courts, etc. Plus I do not have to pay a facility fee when onsite.
Visiting university team $20
Tournaments $20
depends where you live
in some countries the income level, in absolute terms, in USD / EUR is way below than in other countries

so, while 15 USD might be a bargain in New York, it might be a lot of money in Serbia or in Egypt

I'm with you there. When I think of transactions in dollars, I think U.S.. Maybe that's a false notion, as some countries probably use U.S. currency.


I string for the players I coach and charge $20 (I live in SC) and they think it's too low b/c they were used to paying $30+ to have it done at the clubs in the area.


We have answered this same question numerous times over the years. Everyone charges differently based on their location, experience, their feelings of own self worth, etc. AS I have stated in the past I never started stringing to make money, and still don't. I started stringing for others in an effort to keep cost low, so juniors in the area would feel more apt to string more often, thus improving their level of play. I still string a lot for free, my string and all. I still donate most of the money I make to charity. I do not charge for customizing racquets (balancing, increasing grip size, changing grommets, etc.). This is my hobby, as I have a real job. All that said my fees are:
Local players $10 plus string. I charge TW retail for string.
Local coaches free and they refer their students to me. A free racquet every few months for 30-40 referrals seems pretty fair.
Local university starting this September $7 (been $5 in past), but this gets me all the tournaments they host (NCAA, ITA, and ITF) visiting team referral, summer camps, etc. I also get bags, shirts, a racquet here and there, over grips, use of the courts, etc. Plus I do not have to pay a facility fee when onsite.
Visiting university team $20
Tournaments $20

This appears to be a very good arrangement for you and the various entities for whom you string. Kudos.


Way too little! Most places charge 10-15 just to expedite the job within a day or two. If I was dealing with the general public AND I did it in 24 hours I'd probably have to charge like 50 bucks to even bother with it.
it is just relaxing time for me...and I have about 20 people that use my services. Definitely cannot go full time or deal with general public at this point...especially since the travel is back on plate from September...
Portland, OR here. My local OfferUp guy does $10 (even for hybrids) with an electronic stringer and turns racquets around same-day if he can. Another neighborhood guy does $14, the local shop does $18 and the private clubs charge their members $20+. None of them charge extra for using your own string, although they probably should.


Jesus... I live in the SF area and my local guy charges $28; but has a one-day turnaround. The public facility charges $17 I think? For 3-day turnaround. One shop in a more upscale neighborhood gets away with charging $40 which is just absolutely insane. That’s also for a 2-3 day turnaround, though they’ve done it for me next-day. I had to go to the last shop because they replaced my bumper for me, which the public facility told me they don’t do.

Most often I go to my local shop, so... $28.
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I think the rounded number works.
£13 or £14 is a hassle with coin changes, so £15 works.
one of the places I used to go charges £14 labour only, but it was okay because I was able to pay by card. I stopped going to the other one at one of the local tennis clubs because they guy charged £13, and was a hassle to find the £3 in coins. Once or twice I gave him £15 because he didn’t have changes on him…. Lol


Works out to around $17USD for my stringer and he is a Yonex team stringer. If I go to my usual pro shop they charge around 13USD. I totally notice the difference when the team stringer strings my racquet compared to the pro shop guy. 50 lbs feels a lot firmer and the string's tension holds longer, I usually string an extra 2lbs more when I go to the pro shop.


Works out to around $17USD for my stringer and he is a Yonex team stringer. If I go to my usual pro shop they charge around 13USD. I totally notice the difference when the team stringer strings my racquet compared to the pro shop guy. 50 lbs feels a lot firmer and the string's tension holds longer, I usually string an extra 2lbs more when I go to the pro shop.
do they use the same stringing machine and tools? that could be the main difference....
then again, it could be that one stringer cares more for the quality, rather then the quantity, as one may not have to string certain number of racquets each day to make up for the shop/pro shop daily quota.


Used to be $10, but years ago my club got wind of my prices and asked me to bump it up as they felt I was undercutting them, so I went to $15. Honestly I wasn't trying to take away business, I just had no idea what the going rate was.

Like @dr325i, I can usually turn it around in a day (although I don't advertise that), and mostly because I find it relaxing. There are a ton of crap TV shows that I would be watching in the evening anyway, so at least I'm standing up during that time instead of on the couch.


$15-25 dollars, usually it's a 1-2 day turnaround. There is one shop that charges extra for hybrid stringing which baffles me so I don't go there. They're on the expensive side anyway.


In the suburbs of DC, I pay $25 just for labor. He does a high quality job with proper machine. This is for a gut poly hybrid (klip/cyclone )


$16 at my club. I bought a Gamma X2 drop weight machine that should pay for itself in 7 years for as often as I string. :) I guess I can experiment more now...


I'm charging $15 for labor only and will do string while you wait or hold rackets until the day prior to the next play to make sure they haven't just been strung fresh to sit for a week or two. Typically also include a fresh overgrip if the person uses a Wilson pro or similar. Many of the shops in my area are at or around $15 as well, I think one shop and some of the private clubs are at $20 with no guaranteed turnaround or top-end machines. The majority of the clubs in my area are using crank machines. In Columbia, SC.


Hall of Fame
There's a local guy here who is part of Wilson's stringing team. He charges $20 with a 24hr turnaround. Keep in mind he has a full professional setup: Baiardo Machine, RDC, etc.

Everyone else charges $15. And often they can't guarantee a return time.

This is why I bought a machine for our team. I didn't want my players worrying about cost of stringing and wait times. I string for them for free with next day return.

Where is the guy on the Wilson stringing team?


It used to be AUD 20. In the last three years they started to charge AUD 25.

Now it's free.

Because I have a stringing machine.