I don't think anybody is hitting top spin groundies with a perfectly vertical racquet face. Slight alterations in racquet face angle, by even a few degrees, has a profound effect on outgoing RPMs. There's an article published in RSI Magazine written by Rod Cross, (Sydney University, Co-Author of
The Physics and Technology of Tennis) that gives us some insight on the relationship between spin, racquet face angles, swing path angles, head size/width, and racquet head speed. These are all inter-related factors. What follows is a snippet from that article.
Quote : "Players were given an inch in the 1970s and they took a mile. The ball now spins 4 or 5 times faster than it did before the 1970s. An increase in just one inch allowed an amazing increase in spin due to steeper, faster swings
and a tilting of the racquet forward by up to 5 degrees, all without clipping the frame. An example will make this very clear.
Five Times the Spin
When a ball bounces off the court it acquires topspin, even if it had no spin before it hit the court. In fact, it spins faster than most players can generate themselves when they hit a topspin return. In order to return the ball with topspin, a player needs to swing the racquet both forwards and upwards and fast enough to reverse the rotation of the spinning ball. If the player doesn’t reverse the direction of the spin, then the ball will be returned with backspin—it is still spinning in the same direction but traveling in the opposite direction back over the net.
Suppose, for example, that the ball spins at 3,000 rpm (50 revolutions/sec) after it bounces off the court. That is a typical amount of spin when a ball hits the court at around 30 or 40 mph. Returned with a wood racquet, a player won’t be able to swing up at a very steep angle without clipping the frame. He will still be able to reverse the spin, but he will get only 200 rpm or so of topspin by swinging the racquet upward fairly rapidly at about 20 degrees to the horizontal. A change in spin from 3,000 rpm backwards to 200 rpm forwards is a change of 3,200 rpm, which is a relatively big change, but it is only enough to return the ball with a small amount of topspin.
Now suppose the player switches to a 10-inch-wide racquet and swings up at 30 degrees to the ball. The player can do that and can also tilt the racquet head forward by about 5 degrees, with even less risk of clipping the frame than with a 9-inch-wide wood racquet being swung at 20 degrees with the head perpendicular to the ground. In this way, the player will be able to change the spin by about 4,000 rpm instead of 3,200 rpm, with the result that the spin changes from 3,000 rpm of backspin to 1,000 rpm of topspin. The result is therefore a factor of five increase, from 200 rpm to 1,000 rpm, in the amount of topspin. That’s an amazingly big effect considering that the racquet increased in width by only one inch, or by only 11 percent.
Why Width Matters
A 9-inch-wide racquet swung with the strings in a vertical plane has about 8 inches of string in the vertical direction and about one-half inch of wood above and below the strings. A 10-inch racquet swung in the same way has about 9 inches of string in the vertical direction. The ball is just over two and one-half inches in diameter, so 3.1 balls can fit across a 9-inch racquet and 3.5 balls can fit across a 10-inch racquet. If the 10-inch racquet is tilted forward 27 degrees, then the strings extend 9 inches diagonally and 8 inches vertically, as shown in Figure 1. The racquet can therefore be swung upwards at 27 degrees or tilted forward by 27 degrees, and it will then present to the ball exactly the same area of string as a 9-inch racquet. No one tilts the racquet forward by as much as 27 degrees, but they now swing up into the ball at angles of 30 degrees or more to generate topspin. Tilting the racquet head forward slightly generates even more topspin.
Giving a player an extra inch of width allows the player to swing up at a steeper angle or faster or both. In that case the ball slides farther across the strings, so you really do need that extra inch. A change in 4,000 rpm rather than 3,200 rpm is therefore not surprising given the extra speed, angle, and tilt made possible by the extra one inch of width.
Going from a 10-inch to an 11-inch racquet does not deliver another huge increase in topspin. The reason is that if players tried to increase the upward speed of the racquet any more than they do now, the ball would sail over the baseline. They can do that for a topspin lob, but the forward speed of the racquet and the ball remains relatively small for a topspin lob. An 11-inch racquet will work better for topspin lobs but not for any other shot. On the other hand, 9-inch racquets were only just over the limit of being able to generate any topspin at all. Give a 9-inch graphite racquet to a player today and the result would be some serious clipping of the frame every few shots, though perhaps not as many as “old-timers” might expect because modern players are so practiced and skilled at steeper swings. "
--The Inch That Changed Tennis Forever, By Rod Cross
Also, might want to check out this tool here, which was created by a longtime research partner of Mr. Cross, Crawford Lindsey. You can input all sorts of parameters: racquet face angle, swing path angle, among others, and get estimates for RPMs, net clearance, distance, and shot speed. Not saying that the tool is the Gospel Truth, it just that this is one of the things we can look to for guidance as the which factors play a big role and which factors play a small role. When it comes to estimating RPMs I know that I'm really not very good at discerning the difference between say 2800 RPMs and 3200 RPMs. I can see trajectory, and ball height, but that's not spin, that's just my guess at spin. So I tend to trust the instrumentation that CAN measure this stuff, such as that Wilson Doppler thingamajiggy, or the tightly controlled lab studies more than I trust my guesswork.