How much for a Wilson demo racket?



I bought a Wilson ncode n5 force racket today, on one side of the frame of the racket it has the word "DEMO". So what does "demo-program" mean in a older thread about demo rackets in this forum? Does it mean that demo racquets (and my racket) are used and could easily be broken? Or it doesn't matter if the condition is ok? My n5 force looks like a brand new racket and I also have the cover of it. And I also have the wrapping plastic-like paper on the grip, I still didn't tear it down.

This racket

I paid 32 US dollars for it today, what should I do now? Does this racket worth 32 US dollars? Was I cheated by the seller?

Please give me some advice, should I try to sell it to someone else (cheat another person)? Or I should just use it since there seem no problems with it?

This is the picture of it,

Bottle Rocket

Hall of Fame
If it is in good condition you got an exceptional deal. Even in not-so-good condition, $32 seems like a steal to me. Enjoy it!


A demo program allows people to use a racquet before they buy it, so they can determine what racquet they like best. This simply means that your racquet was most likely used before you bought it. That is all.

EDIT: So keep it.


Demos are frames that manufacturers sell to stores and pro shops at a discount. Companies like Wilson do this so that there are plenty of their frames available for the public to play test, as a way of promoting and advertising their product. In consideration of getting the demos at a discount, retailers agree not to sell demos to the public as new frames.

Most companies pick their best frames to be demos (that is, the frames that are closest to what the original specs were supposed to be). Demos are often the best playing frames for a line. No one's really policing demo sales, so you're OK. You got a great deal. Enjoy.


$32?? that's great! keep it! that frame is worth over 200 dollars, good find.


Demos are identical to the regular frames. The only difference is that DEMO is printed on it and there is no Wilson quality sticker. There is no warranty on demo racquets so I suppose that is the only reason that would stop you from buying one.

If you got it brand-new with the plastic on the handle, you got a great deal. Usually they sell for at least half the price of the usual frame. 32 bucks is a steal.


thank you, I am more relieved now.

And this seller was just selling the rackets at very low prices, a week ago he sold me two ncode nblade, no DEMO word, and as someone has said in this thread the real rackets have the quality label and i look at the two nblades, they have the labels. And the price were also 32 US dollars each. I bought two from him and now I regret that i havent bought more. Or maybe i can resell them at higher price, he just dont know where to find buyers.


He sold you two new nBlades for 32 dollars each? My god that is ridiculous. I bought a slightly used demo of one for 50 dollars and I thought it was a relatively good deal. I gotta find more guys like that in my area.


Yeah I know it just sounds crazy and ridiculous, this guy have a load of different rackets and he set the prices at 32 US dollars, all of them are 32 US dollars each no matter what brand and model it is. Some of them are expensive like the two ncode i have said but some are really cheap, I remember one of them worths only 25 pounds (i check on the internet).He let me choose and of course i choose the expensive ones.
If I had a choice between a demo stick and off the shelf I'd go for the demo. Infact, I've baught multiple demo sticks from a local pro shop for that reason. Found demo sticks are often more precise when it come to specs, and often times can be heavier then the original.


Guesty said:
Yeah I know it just sounds crazy and ridiculous, this guy have a load of different rackets and he set the prices at 32 US dollars, all of them are 32 US dollars each no matter what brand and model it is. Some of them are expensive like the two ncode i have said but some are really cheap, I remember one of them worths only 25 pounds (i check on the internet).He let me choose and of course i choose the expensive ones.

Where is this guy? E-b-a-y?? i want some