I bought a Wilson ncode n5 force racket today, on one side of the frame of the racket it has the word "DEMO". So what does "demo-program" mean in a older thread about demo rackets in this forum? Does it mean that demo racquets (and my racket) are used and could easily be broken? Or it doesn't matter if the condition is ok? My n5 force looks like a brand new racket and I also have the cover of it. And I also have the wrapping plastic-like paper on the grip, I still didn't tear it down.
This racket http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCWILSON-N5.html
I paid 32 US dollars for it today, what should I do now? Does this racket worth 32 US dollars? Was I cheated by the seller?
Please give me some advice, should I try to sell it to someone else (cheat another person)? Or I should just use it since there seem no problems with it?
This is the picture of it,
This racket http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpageRCWILSON-N5.html
I paid 32 US dollars for it today, what should I do now? Does this racket worth 32 US dollars? Was I cheated by the seller?
Please give me some advice, should I try to sell it to someone else (cheat another person)? Or I should just use it since there seem no problems with it?
This is the picture of it,