How much tennis do you play a week?


Hall of Fame
5+ times per week (Texas), pretty much year round. I typically don't play when temps drop below 40F.
Wed: social doubles match
Sun/Sat: singles or doubles match
Mon/Thu: hitting session/practice session
Tue: 1 hour private lesson + hitting/practice session later in the evening
I get in a drill session once per week (1.5 hours). During the winter I'm playing a match roughly every other week, and during the summer probably once per week. Obviously wish I could play more. Tough to find the time.

Also, my shoulder just can't take serving more than once per week yet. Rehab seems to be helping, but it also seems to be two steps forward, one back. Every time I think I'm ready to step up the frequency, I re-injure it. Last match was 2 weeks ago and I'm just now able to go through my exercises pain-free.


Before tennis elbow- 4x a week.

After tennis elbow- 2x a week. One weekday light hitting 1 hour, one weekend 1 1/2 hour match/flex/practice match.

The other 5 days are filled with 1-2 hour bike rides, 1 hour runs or 1 hour swims.

I’m still in shape… but tennis is gonna be on the back burner til my arm is in the clear.

After it’s in the clear- ideally I think a 3x week hit session is solid to maintain skills and improve a lil bit.