How similar is Federer's accent to the Irish?

Break To Win

I read about some Irish people commenting that Federer speaking English sounds a bit Irish.

Honestly, I don't think it's that similar.

I just know that Federer sounds neither British nor American.

Could some Irish people respond about this?....and of course, if the Swiss can also respond


Bionic Poster
Roger Federer in his own words:


Comedian Dara O'Briain:

Olympic rowers Gary and Paul O'Donovan:

Golfer Shane Lowry:

I'm going to have to say no.


Bionic Poster


The guy above is Tim Cook (played by George Sweeney) in 2 episodes of The Sweeney. He's the most memorable and notorious villain of the entire series, characterized by four things, an actual misogynist (i.e. a hatred of women), a British Army veteran in Northern Ireland, a hatred of the Irish and Irish accents, and the shortest fuse of a temper ever. He's unnerving to watch.


Bionic Poster
Not really, he has a very unique accent, very hard to define.
I always assumed Fed's accent is unique because he grew up with two mother tongues. His mother only spoke English to him and Robbie only spoke Swiss German. Lynnette has a South African accent, though Fed speaks more American English.

For instance, he doesn't say "I cahn't," (British), but "I can't." There's many more examples.