All I can say is practice. Sounds simple, I know.
Start from the ground up if need be. Get moving to warm up your muscles then stretch BEFORE you play. Start up at net to get your eyes and hands working together. Be mindful of your footwork as you move back and hit groundstrokes. Work on getting your feel back. Pay attention and read the balls coming at you. I'd suggest hitting with more than one person so that you get different shots coming at you. Don't forget your overheads and serves. DO NOT go for anything big. Don't push yourself too hard thinking "I used to be able to hit that shot....etc." The last thing you need to to injure yourself as you're getting back into playing. Cool down and stretch after each practice session.
As your feel comes back (hopefully this isn't long) start setting up matches and play as often as you can.
Since you took a year off, check out the other thread about "your game going down the toilet" when you've had a kid. A year is nothing.