whenever you play good or bad, always think back and focus on what you did right and what you should have done right. too many times, we only think about what we did wrong when we play bad. i believe it is also important to think about what we are doing right when we play well. i realize that too often, our natural reaction to having a good tennis day is to celebrate and pat ourselves on the back at how good we have become without really thinking about what it is exactly that made us play well that day. we say to ourselves "my serve was on fire, my forehand was painting the lines" and just expect to come out doing the same thing next time we play. well, in order to ensure that we play at a similar level, we need to think about what it was specifically that made us play well - was it because you focused on the ball on every shot and every point? or maybe you kept your feet moving and stayed on your toes. maybe you warmed up and stretched properly before you played. or you hit through the ball and made a full follow through. think about these things and remind yourself to keep doing it again the next time you play. focus on things you are getting better at. visualize your self the way you played when you had a good tennis day and keep it in your memory so that next time you play, you will more likely keep doing the right things you did last time.