how to improve my tennis game?


New User
ive been playing everyday for around 2 hours with my hiting partner for about 5 month now im still not at the level i wont to be i feel like for the pass few month i havent improved at all i wanna be at a higher level like this guy i played during my high schools tennis season he was ranked 70 somthing in the nation for his age group he was a freshman me a junior he destroyed me in 14 mins the coach timed it 6-0 6-0 just completly overpowered me i couldent return anything he gave me and he put everything away in 1 shot he wasent using lead tape or anything fancy just a normal racket i recently played a guy in a big tournement with a 500$ grand prize who was like this completly over powered me what should i do to get to this level of tennis practice dosent seem to be improving me much i dont know how i can improve my technique anymore then it already is no matter how much i practice i seem to be unable to obtain this high level of tennis is it really just somthing that takes many many many years to develop?what should i do......
tape yourself playing, see if you can see anything your doing wrong, and if your brave, post them on here for others opinions. even better, find a good coach to help you find weaknesses in your game and improve them. play with as many diff people as you can, as this will help. If there is a club in your area, try joining leagues, doing drills. if a coach is not an option, check out youtube and other such sites, as they are a great resource for tips on proper technique. The main thing is, its time for you to swith it up a little bit, youve hit a plateu and you need to try new ways to improve your game.


Bionic Poster
You've been playing for 5 months. You are a beginner around the 3.0 level at best.
He's been playing the same amount as you for the last 5 months, but he has over 4 years at that pace behind him.
You will lose.
It's called "experience".